Chapter 1:Gun shots and Cigarettes

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"Ellnor," she yelled across the house " Get down here now." I instantly ran down the stairs to the living room. "Ellnor," she yelled as I ran in. " What happened!?" I said with a considered look on my face. "Are you ok!?" " Yeah I'm fine," she said with a smirk "You need to get something from the store, or you're not eating dinner tonight." "Ok, what do I need to get?" I asked curious what we needed that wasn't already in the fridge. She then silently handed me a list longer than my arm. "Can you also pick up a pack of cigarettes while you're there?" "But I-" She cut me off " Make that two packs. No buts" "Yes ma'am" I said in a lower tone. On my way to the grocery store, I witnessed two women getting mugged. Once I got there I got the main stuff eggs, milk, water bottles, etc... Then all I had to do was get the cigarettes. That was all I was worried about I am only 14 years old. It's illegal for me to buy them. I would have to lie. " How may I help you?" the cashier said forcing a smile " Could I get two packs of cigarettes please," I said in a hushed tone. "What type?" she said with a glare. I had forgotten what type mom smoked "Whatever ones you think are best." I said wondering what she would say back. "Ok but, how old are you?" she said in a very rude tone. "21," I said sweating under my skin. "Ok, will that be all?" "Yeah, that's it" I was still nervous as I walked out. Once I got home the first thing I heard was sirens and my mother shouting " Where are my cigarettes!?" I quickly rushed to the kitchen she was sitting at the dining table as I walked in. I quickly got the cigarettes out of my bag. " Here you go," I said hoping I got the right ones. " What are these?" she said irritatedly " The cigarettes you asked for," I said questioning myself. " Ok." It seemed she couldn't tell the difference. I sighed in relief.

I loaded all the groceries into the fridge and returned to my room. Listening to the sirens and gunshots around the neighborhood. Then the world went silent. I woke up to my mom screaming for me to wake up. " Wake up already. Dinners ready Do you not want to eat." As soon as I opened my eyes I saw her shaking me awake with the cigarette in her mouth and wine glass in hand. I got up as fast as possible. As soon as I got down the stairs I smelt the burning air. I ran to the oven to check on the food my mom had attempted to make. It was burnt to a crisp. " I guess we are having ash for dinner," she said with a smirk. " I'll get the plates. You start setting the table." I got out the forks and knives not knowing if we needed them. I set them all out and sat watching my mom set out the plates I noticed she set out three instead of two this time so I asked " Why did you set out three plates this time? Aren't there only two of us?" She glared at me for almost bringing up Dad. " Sorry didn't know it was that tough of a subject," I whispered as I lowered my head. "Sit down already. While the food is still hot," she said still glaring from the other side of the table. I sat down wondering who might be joining us. I then jump at the sound of the door opening. I see a tall pale man with long blond hair. He looked so light I could throw him across the room. He then sat down at the table and began eating. Without a word, I ate and left. I later heard footsteps heading up the stairs. Curious about who would possibly be coming up the stairs I cracked my door. I peeked out towards the hall. That's when I see him the guy from dinner heading towards my room. My mom was following fast behind. He opened the door as I ran and jumped on my bed. My mom then said something that would change my life forever " Meet my fiance Cedric." I jumped off my bed to my feet "What!?" I yelled in surprise. I never thought she could ever be with someone other than Dad Especially someone like this guy. He looked like Dad's opposite. He didn't even act like him. He then came forward aiming for a hug. I slid out of his reach. He put his arms down and his face sunk into a frown. " Look man I don't know what happened to your old man but, I hope you can let me into your family." He said. I was suddenly offended by that knowing very well he didn't need to bring up my "Old man" He doesn't know about anything that happened or anything that was going to happen. I almost cried knowing Dad was being replaced and he was already replaced. As I fell asleep that night I began thinking. This means everyone can be replaced. I could be replaced just as easily as my dad. I will have to not get in their way to avoid trouble. The next morning I woke up to gunshots and sirens as usual. Cedric was still there. I suppose he spent the night. He was in the kitchen making breakfast. I walked past him to the door. "Where are you going little bud." he said with a smile from ear to ear. " I have school today. It is Monday after all." I said walking out the door. "Ok. Have a good day!" I heard him say as I left. Once I got to school I was greeted by an acquaintance of mine. His name was Henry. He had dark brown hair with very light freckles on his cheeks. His eyes were chocolate brown. As soon as I met him he was stuck to me like glue. I didn't hate it but I didn't love it. He hugged me as soon as I walked into the building. "Hi, Ellnor!" He said he had caught me in a hug from behind so I couldn't see his face but I knew he was smiling. He was way too energetic for 6:00 in the morning. Once I got to class I didn't know where to sit. I was then shown my newly assigned seat.The teacher of the class Mr. Todd walked in yelling at a student running in the hall. He then turned to us saying "Hello Students. This will be your homeroom class for your freshman year." After introducing himself he began role. When he got to my name he seemed confused about my last name " Ellnor Heark?" "Herk." I corrected. "Oh ok, Ellnor Herk." "Here" I then answered. The teacher finally began doing his job and teaching us after role. His class was history but you would have thought he taught ELA with how many times he corrected our grammar. He would ask us questions about what he had just said. He would then correct the grammar in our answers. When class finally ended I met up with Henry in the halls. "What class do you have next?" he asked " Spanish. You?" "ELA" We both walked till we reached the ELA hall. " See you next hour." He said as I walked back to my Spanish class " See you" I said as he walked in his classroom's doors. That's when I heard the late bell ringing in my ears. I then began to sprint knowing I would be late but I had hope. Once I got there the teacher was closing the doors. She stopped to let me in and gave me a warning " If you're late to class again I'll have to write you up." " Yes ma'am," I said as I lowered my head. I hated making adults mad. It made me want to cry and throw up all at the same time. The teacher's name is Mrs. Martinez is my Spanish teacher for this year. As soon as her class was over I gave a sigh of relief. I hate her. She had her room completely bare and didn't even teach us anything. She said, " I am not required to teach you anything on the first day." I think she was just making that up. After school, Henry was begging to come over but I declined. He still walked me there though. He was in shock when he saw my house. " You live here!?" " I hear this neighborhood is horrible. 5 people were arrested here just last night." he said in utter shock "Yeah I live here. It's not that bad once you get used to it." "Ok then..." He said with an unsure look on his face. " Bye then..." I walked inside to see my mom smoking on the couch and her fiance still in the kitchen. He was cooking dinner this time. It smelled better than Mom's cooking. Mom always burnt her food to ash. So I would normally go without eating till lunch at school " Welcome home Ellnor." He said after I began walking up the stairs. I quickly went to my room. Once I got there I laid down flat on my bed. "School is tiring." I said to myself as I fell asleep.

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