Chapter 2: Curiosity Killed the Cat

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Morning came fast, faster than usual. I didn't have school even though it was a Monday. My uncle still has to enroll me. So for now, I have no school. I go to the back parking lot of the school to smoke. I had to be there to go to lunch with Paige. I  had smoked over a pack before she finally left the school. We went to lunch at a cafe that was within walking distance of the school.  "So," She said, "You smoke like your mom?" " Yeah," I say not wanting to get into it. " Ok," She said unbothered " Want to play Minecraft." "Su-" I say "Or we could watch GoodtimeswithScar." She interrupted. "Ok," I said hoping she wouldn't cut me off again. We were at the cafe till the end of her lunch hour. Once I brought her back I was caught by one of the teachers heading to her car. I quickly explained I was having lunch with my cousin but she wasn't buying it. She called the cops a few moments later. I ran for it. I ran around 2 blocks in the blazing hot weather. Not knowing when it would end. I soon heard the sirens heading towards the school as I ran. "Shit I have really done it this time," I say to myself "but I am sure this will all blow over." I attempted to convince myself once I got to my uncle's house the sirens had died down. I assumed the teacher had probably told the cops I was trespassing or something like that. I hear the TV from the living room. " A girl was spotted attempting to kidnap a high school student earlier today. We have a small description of the woman from one of the teachers who had witnessed the crime. Over to her." A news reporter says I ran into the room once I heard the first sentence. She was talking about me!? Me of all people. The camera flipped to the teacher who called the cops on me. " She was terrifying. She had brown hair down to her collarbone, very pale skin, and blue eyes with big dark bags around them as she had never slept a day in her life. It looked as if she had a cigarette in her mouth. So I assume she had been high off illegal drugs she had bought." The teacher said you could almost see the smirk in her cold dead eyes. You could see she was loving the drama she had cooked up. I quickly ran to my room and locked the door so no one could get in. This isn't happening. This isn't happening. I thought about trying to make myself believe those words. Once Paige gets home I finally come out of my room. " You good dude?" She said with a worried look. " Have you even checked the news!? One of your teachers reported me to the police for attempted kidnapping." I yell taking my anger out on her like it's her fault I was now being searched for by the cops. "OK, so what? It will blow over in a week or two. I am sure of it." She said, trying to cheer me up. " I guess so, but if it doesn't you're helping me hide from the cops." " deal." She said, shaving my hand to make the deal official. I doubted it would become a big deal here considering I have seen worse things happen less than two roads away from my house. The next morning I got out of bed to eat even though I had just fallen asleep, but that had become a normal thing for me now. I hadn't gotten a full 8 hours of sleep since I arrived here. After breakfast, I lay in my bed just staring at the ceiling wondering what was going to happen. Would I go to jail with my mom? Would this all blow over? When will I see Henry again? Did Cedric survive the shot wounds? At this moment in time, I couldn't answer any of those questions, but I hope to find out.

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