Chapter 4: Mom..?

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It took us an extra hour to find the visitation desks but when we did I was taken in by myself. I was taken into this small room with a glass panel separating us. Guards blocked the exits and I was there sitting, waiting, Till the doors behind the glass opened and my mom, all beat and bloody walked in. I took in a small gasp at seeing her like this. She looked as if she had been punched till unconscious. She had bruises and small cuts all over her body and he uniform had been slightly torn. I knew she would have a hard time in prison but not this bad... She sat down and began speaking but her voice was very horse and she looked as if she had nothing to say to me. "Ellnor... How are you, my dear?" I was almost in shock at the question. She had never really cared before. What had made her change this much? I suppose I could ask but what if it upset her? "I'm okay.." I respond. The room goes silent. She smiles at me and looks genuinely happy to see me. I was ultimately confused cause she was never really happy to see me in the past and mainly thought of me as a burden given to her by my father. A forever-living memory of what happened. I never knew what happened to my father all I knew was he was more than likely dead. During the time I visited Mom, I found out her sentence had been extended for violence in the prison which explained the wounds all over her body. She would now be sentenced to 6 years which happened to be double her original sentence. I was shocked to hear this and almost began crying right then and there but I knew mom always said "Crying is for the weak and if you want to stay my daughter you will never cry in front of me got it." She said that while getting after me for crying in a store after tripping over a box. She never liked the sound of crying. According to him, my dad took care of me as a baby because she couldn't stand the sound of my crying. She then broke the silence "Ellnor... You look just like your Father these days..." I was still in shock I knew I had never looked like my mom but I didn't expect her to bring it up so randomly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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