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I place my cup on the counter a pout very visible on my face while I turn to glance at Summer who shook her head knowing the matter at hand. "Athena he's getting married in a few days" She declares making me nod. An ache the size of London in my heart knowing he will never be mine.

"I know" I respond pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear. This moment was bittersweet how was I supposed to see my best friend get married knowing how I felt. "You had many years to tell him how you feel and you let them fly by" She adds and I nod, I couldn't even deny her.

"Kai is really happy" She clarifies and my chest burns, how can he be happy with that witch. I know why she wants to marry him, she only sees him for the money, for the connections. I bet she doesn't even know what he likes to eat, or how he likes his Saturday nights.

I know everything, I know more than I want to. I first met Kai in middle school when I moved to town. We lived in the same neighborhood and as time passed we got pretty close. Me more than him of course, not soon into our friendship I started having these feelings for him. I mean can I blame me. He was sweet, he cared about me, he actually took time to figure me out.

But more than anything he stuck by me when I needed him the most. And I'll appreciate him for it and thats one of the reasons I could never share my feelings. I did not want to ruin our friendship. I don't even know if he feels the same way. So I packed my bags and moved. I couldn't see him everyday, see him kissing someone else, holding someone else's hand, loving someone else.

And moving away helped me, change me. For once I wasn't held back by wanting something so much that's all I could think about. The last two years I started designing, I got a contract with a huge styling company and I couldn't be happier with my career. I can't deny the undeniable void in my chest a sense of loneliness and what if. What if I told him that night at graduation, or the time I met his girlfriend Jessica maybe I would've been the one he was with.

Two weeks ago I received a call from Kai, the past two years we would text here and there but nothing more. He mentioned his wedding and how he would love me to come. A week later I locked my New York apartment and made my way over to our hometown Chesterbrook, Pennsylvania.

After countless nights of pushing the thought of Kai and I from my heart, I can officially say whether bitter or sweet I'm happy for him. His happiness is all that matters and if thats what he is with Jessica then I wish them the best of luck. "Do you think you can face him again?" Summer questions making me shake my head with a chuckle.

"Summer you have to stop worrying. I'll be fine. I know Jessica makes him happy and thats all that matters. I never wanted to ruin our friendship and thats why I'm here as a friend" I smile as she nods sympathetically. "I know you do sweetie but, I just remember those tears and I don't want to see them again" I give her a reassuring smile and sip my water.

"Don't worry I don't have any tears left to give" I could hide the ache but I learned to push it away. At first I didn't want to come. I knew seeing him with someone else specially the wicked witch of the west Jessica Santiago would burn. I know her intentions, I mean he's the son of a rich business diplomat now taking over Fathers law firm in parts of America. Plus he was excelling in every category. She only cares for materialistic things.

"Well have you decided what to wear?" She questions and I grin I was going to be dressed to kill of course.


I get out of my car seeing people walking into Kai's house. I glance at the architecture remembering how I would call it a museum because of the exterior. I go through the front door showing my invite to the guard as he nods letting me through the door. Tight security I see.

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