Julandid Rulers of Oman

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The brothers, Jayfar and 'Abd ibn Al-Julanda, were rulers of the Julandid Dynasty of Oman. They ruled the land together after their father, Al Julanda, had passed away. These two rulers received a letter from the Prophet ﷺ which also invited them to Islam. This letter read;
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. From Mohammed, the messenger of Allah, to Jaifar and Abd, sons of Al Julanda. Peace is upon him who follows the guidance. I am calling both of you, in the name of Islam. You will be safe if you submit to Islam. I am the Messenger of Allah to all people and warn all those living that Islam will prevail. I hope you will accept Islam, but if you do not, then you will lose your country, and my horsemen will invade your territory and my prophecy will dominate your country.
The letter was sent to them from Amr ibn Al-As, who would later become a conquerer of Egypt.

When the two Julandid rulers read this letter, they felt scared and fearful. So, they sent delegates to Madinah to study Islam. After the delegates brought back some information from the Prophet ﷺ, the Julandid rulers announced their conversion to Islam. 'Abd and Jayfar succeeded in uniting the Arab tribes who lived in Oman, and they also expelled the Zoroastrians out of their land. They even ruled by Shari'ah. After the passing of the Prophet ﷺ, Uthman ibn Affan helped them hire governors to govern each of their provinces, such as Basrah in Iraq.

A fitna eventually occured amongst the Muslims, and 'Abd ibn Al Julanda decided not to get involved in it. So he kept Oman independent from Umayyad rule and refused to join the Kharijites or the newly formed Rafidhah. But the Julandid Dynasty was under attack from external forces who wanted them to submit to their authority. So, 'Abd, who had outlived his brother, led a mass migration of Oman's citizens to Africa. He and his people died there as believers.

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