Beyonce g!p

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A day of Beyoncé (masc/g!p) with her wife, who is the mother of Blue and the twins, on off day of RWT, but the public doesn't know about her, and for the most part thinks she's a man, so she ends up introducing her via instagram

Wife's name: Roana rumi Knowles Carter
Sister to jay Z
Multi business billionaire

Beyoncé pov
*setting up a home made fort date in the living room for me and Roana*
"I need to hurry up and finish setting up because I know she's almost done putting the twins down for bed as I already ticked blue in" I thought. Me and Roana haven't really had much time to spend 1 on 1 since the renaissance world tour has started. So since we are taking a break in Los Angeles I'm setting up in our house out here.

"Okay now that I'm done hanging up the lights it finished" I spoke out loud. I had to take a step back and admire my work. Satisfied with how it looks I get up to go and get my wife to surprise her.

(Without the pictures and add a laptop in front of the electric fire place)

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(Without the pictures and add a laptop in front of the electric fire place)

*goes up the stairs two at a time and walks down the hall to the twins room*

"He-" I paused as I saw the woman of my dreams sitting in a chair reading to our youngest children who seem to have just dosed off. This woman just doesn't know how much I love and value her in every way possible. It may have taken some time in the beginning but I got the woman that I truly feel that god made specifically for me. I finally tune back in right when she's finishing the story but continues to admire my love.

"The end" she says as she closes the book.

Roana pov
"The end" I say as that is the end of the book I'm reading to my babies.

I stand up from the chair that sat between the twins beds. I walk over to each of their beds and give them a kiss on the forehead and turn off the lamp as both of their night lights are on and the stars on their ceiling light up.

"Sweet dreams my beautiful babies" I say. Then turn around to walk towards their room door. Instead I stop in my tracks as I instead see the gorgeous woman, who I get to call my forever person, leaning in the doorway smiling and looking at me with adoration.

I walk toward her smiling and say "why are you smiling so hard at me?" I then wrap my arms around her neck as she wraps hers around my waists. She says "I'm smiling at the most beautiful woman in the world that I am lucky enough to call mine." I lean my head on her shoulder as I don't want her to see me blushing. "Stooop and come on let's go and let the twins get their rest." I said walking us out and closing their door.

Beyoncé pov
After she closes their door. I take her hand and turn her to me to say "since the kids are now sleep I have a surprise for you." She looks at me with a raised brow and says "what is it?"

B: " I can't tell you that'll ruin the whole point of the surprise."

R: pouts " please"

B: " no and the pout isn't gonna work this time"

R: crosses arms in fake anger "damn I thought it would work it usually does."

B: "nope not this time" I told her while I wrapped my arm around her waist and tapped her thigh as a signal for her to jump so I can carry her.

Once I had her settled in my arms I turned and walked down the hall to walk down the stairs. She said "you better not drop me or I'm takin you down with me." I laugh and tell her "I won't drop you but put your head on my shoulder so you won't see the surprise." She does so right before I get to the bottom of the stairs.

Once I'm down the last step I turn to walk us into the living room where the fort is. I set her down and tell her she can look. Once she turns around she gasps at the fort and the whole set up.

I'm smiling behind her happy that's she's happy about what I did. Without words being exchanged we both climb in to the fort and get comfortable being cuddled up.

 Without words being exchanged we both climb in to the fort and get comfortable being cuddled up

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"This isn't the last surprise for her." I thought as we got comfortable. Little does she know I have noticed how recently the speculation in the media as to who my spouse is and the other parent of our kids has been bothering her. We have had talks about making our relationship public as it has been private all this time for reasons on both of our ends. The thing is she is known publicly in the business world as a successful multi business billionaire but not known as my wife and mother to my kids. That all changes tonight though.

B: "babe"
R: " yes my love"
B: "choose a new series for us to start while I get your last surprise for the night ready"
R: "okay love" she says before giving me a quick kiss then turning to the laptop.

I grab my phone, unlock it and go on instagram to make the post that I know will silence rumors and break the internet.

(Imagine Beyoncé in jay-Z position and face claim in beyonces)@Beyoncé: Hey beehive, I just want to take the time out of my day to introduce y'all to the person who is my ride or die, the love of my life, the mother of our children, my therapist a...

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(Imagine Beyoncé in jay-Z position and face claim in beyonces)
@Beyoncé: Hey beehive, I just want to take the time out of my day to introduce y'all to the person who is my ride or die, the love of my life, the mother of our children, my therapist and best friend all in one. I want to introduce you all to my wife Roana rumi Knowles-Carter. Yes she is related to Jay as he is the one who introduced me to her over 2 decades ago in 2001.
I would also like to explain how she is the mother of our children and they look so much like me. To keep things short and simple I am intersex. I'm genetically both a male and female but more female as you can tell. If you want to know more about that look it up. So, no my kids technically don't have a father but two mothers and when they get older we will explain to them why that is only when the time comes.

Thank y'all for understanding, I love my beyhive and I'll see y'all when the RWT resumes
- Beyoncé 🐝

Once I finish with that she had just chosen a show that I've wanted to start watching but just didn't. Instead of saying anything I just put the phone where she can see and push post. When it posts and she sees what the post says she covers her mouth and gasps for the second time tonight.

R: "Bey no you didn't"
B: smiling " yes I did"
R: "but why"
B: " because I've seen how it's been bothering you recently and we've talked over how we are both at a place in life and our careers where it won't affect us if it's public"
R: "I don't know what to say"
B: "you don't have to say anything let's just enjoy some alone time"

I comfortably cuddle up with my wife after I put my phone on dnd and turn it off as she does that same before they have a chance to go off.

R: " I love you so much"
B: "I love you too gorgeous"

The end

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