[20] - 𝑺𝒂𝒇𝒆???

763 14 20

Ume Pov (3rd Person)

Ume waved her friends goodbye as she walks home with her older brother, Gyutaro. As they walk Ume noticed her brother feeling uneasy...

"Onii-chan?" Ume called, seeing her brother acting so tense.. It worries her.

"Hm? Yes Ume?" Gyutaro said, looking at his sister.

"Are you alright?"

"Yea I'm fine..." Gyutaro said lowly.

"I hate it when you lie Gyu-san..." Ume pouted.

Gyutaro then sighed then finally spoke.

"I... Don't trust the Tokitos..." Gyutaro answered.

"Why would you say that? Is it because--"

"No... Well kind of..." Gyutaro scratched his neck as he looks down.

"Context???" Ume asked.

"Well remember when there were lots of cases about the murder of the male students...? Ever since the twins transferred, it lessened and cases start to grow in their school..." Gyutaro said.

"Your overthinking Onii-chan..." Ume sighed.

"Well, trust is difficult, okay? I want you safe..." He said, the worriness in his voice is clear.

"Don't worry.. I am safe..." Ume smiled.

As both siblings walk, something caught Ume's eye... A person, dragging something, or someone in an alleyway... She then pointed at them and Gyutaro noticed.

"Should we check?" Asked Ume.

"I guess..."

They both walk towards the alleyway with Ume's hand on her brother's arm. As they both got in, they didn't see anything, it was dark. Gyutaro then took out his phone and opened his flashlight, they both couldn't believe their eyes...


"Two high students by the names of Ume and Gyutaro Shabana have discovered a dead body by the alleyway across Wisteria Street. The police have identified the victim as 'Kenji Koboyashi'. He is a 15 year old boy who currently attends Kimetsu Academy..." The reporter stated on the news.

"Fuck." Sakura panicked.


"Kenji-san..?" Muichiro said with an open mouth.


"Intresting..." Isamu said, rubbing his fingers on his chin.


"DAMNIT! ANOTHER FUCKING STUDENT DIED!" A teacher shouted and slammed the table. He has black hair and two colored eyes.

"Obanai-San... Calm down..." Mitsuri said in a low yet frightened tone.

"This isn't flamboyant..." Another teacher said, he has white hair and maroon in appearance.


"Whatever Rengoku..." A scarred white haired male said, crossing his arms and leaning on the chair.

"Guys, aren't you a bit worried about the school and our students..?" Kanae questioned the teachers.



"DON'T FUCKING TALK TO HER LIKE THAT!" Sanemi yelled back.

Both teachers continue to argue as the noise starts to get louder.

"Everyone's always fighting..." A black haired male with blue eyes whispered.



"Sane-san please-"

"ENOUGH!" The vice principal, Amane Ubuyashiki slammed the table as the room suddenly became silent.

"Listen, we need to do something or else more students will be killed" Amane said as she stands up properly.

"What are we going to do Lady Amane..?" Gyomei asked politely.

"I'm not sure, security isn't working well..." Amane replied with a sigh.

"I'm guessing the students are not really safe..." Mitsuri said in a low tone.


Sanemi walks through the hallway, angry and worried.




It can't be.. can it?

He stopped his tracks, gathering his thoughts as he sweats. He was breaking down.

He's afraid.

But afraid of what exactly?

"Nemi? Have you seen Himejima-san? Have a tutor lesson with him today..." Genya's voice snapped him back to reality.

"Genya..?" He said in a hoarse tone, slightly trembling as he walks up to his taller younger brother.

"Nii-san, is everything--" Genya was cut off by his brother's embrace. Is he okay? He's trembling...

"Are you okay? Genya? Please tell me your fine..." He said, you can hear the fear in his voice.

"Y.. Yes I'm alright... What's happening? Did something happen? Nemi, you're trembling..." Genya said, worried.
Is Nemi okay..?

"Yes I'm alright..." He replied, letting go of the embrace.

Genya can see his fear right through his eyes. His brother doesn't seem all well... He usually would just yell at Genya but this is different...

"Nemi, what's going on..?" Genya asked in a soft tone.

"There's just... Many students are dying and.. I'm just worried..." He replied.

"Nemi, you know I'll be okay..." Genya said with a smile.

"Well, what if they kill you???" Sanemi said, with his loud yell, but still worried.

"Nemi, I'll be okay.. I promise..." Genya replied softly.


"Kenji-san got killed..." Muichiro said lowly.

Yuichiro sits beside his brother, thinking.
Kenji... Didn't he asked if Mui likes someone?
He had thought for a while. He looks towards his brother who seemed shoked.

Does someone want Mui..? Muichiro does have some odd friends in my suspicions... It could be one of them...
Yuichiro groaned, he doesn't want people taking his brother until his brother takes what's his.. Although he doesn't approve the person...

Kenji-san... Is someone trying to get my Genya-san?


"GOD DAMNIT!!!" Sakura yelled, throwing her board to the ground.

"This is not okay..."

Damnit... WHAT SHOULD I DO!?!?

Author: Hi

Surprise!!! Take this as a New Years gift, hehe 😋 I have changed some plans so I decided to publish this early knowing how patient you guys have been:>
And Happy New Years guys!!! 🎉🎉

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