[22] - Zenitsu

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Knock Knock...

"Coming!!!" Zenitsu yelled, walking down the stairs and opens the door.

Gyutaro was there, looking a bit worried.

"Ah it's you," Zenitsu said, stepping aside to make way for the individual.

Gyutaro nodded and stepped in, took off his shoes and looks up the stairs.
"Is Kaigaku up there?" He asked.

"Yep, you can go up if you want" Zenitsu said, closing the door.

Gyutaro nodded and walks up the stairs. He goes up infront of Kaigaku's door with a worried expression painted on his face. He lets out a sigh and raises hand and is about to knock.

He stopped for a bit and looks at the door.

He's hesitating...

Knock Knock...

"What the fuck you want now Zenitsu!?"

"It's Gyutaro..."


"Can I come in?"

"Yeah sure..."

Gyutaro opens the door and walks in, seeing Kaigaku laying on bed facing the window. Kaigaku sat up and faced to the green head. A large healed mark is shown on his arm.

"You've been absent to school lately..." Gyutaro said as he walks up to Kaigaku.

"And?" He scoffed.
"The school's shitty anyways"

Gyutaro sat down beside the individual, giving a long face.
"Yeah but it's been a week"

Kaigaku just rolled his eyes.
"How's Ume by the way?"

"She's with Tokito-san—"

"Muichiro?" Kaigaku cutted him off.

"Yui..." He replied.

Gyutaro noticed Kaigaku looking uncomfy. It made him worry quite a bit. He puts his arm around Kaigaku and gently pulls him closer. Kaigaku just lets out a groan and looks away.

"Stop visiting jackass" He growled.

"Why would I stop visiting my best friend?" Gyutaro rose an eyebrow, looking at the other.

Kaigaku thinned his lips, still looking away. He felt unsafe, but not as unsafe when he's with Zenitsu, Gyutaro or any of his friends...

Silence is filled in the room. It was pretty shady but the light of the sunset made it feel warm.

"Do you still hangout with the Tokitos?" Kaigaku later asked.

Gyutaro stayed silent for a bit, looking towards a corner.
"Sometimes..." He murmured out.

"..." Kaigaku narrows his eyes, looking down. He lets out a sigh and speaks.

Gyutaro looks back at Kaigaku and shrugged.
"We just do..."

"Asshole, I told you to not do that anymore!" He exclaimed.

Zenitsu in his room, can hear their conversation from afar. He sighed, laying down on his soft mattress, looking up on the ceiling.

"Aniki is a jerk..." He mumbled.

He looks to the side, facing to his desk. Seeing a picture with him and someone.

"But I sometimes wonder why it happened..."

"Listen! I'm sorry—!" Gyutaro yelled aloud.

Zenitsu furrowed his eyebrows and tightly covers his ears. He cuddles himself up, tying not to hear their conversation.

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