The werewolf in the penthouse

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Pai carefully flipped through his jackets. He wanted just the right look today. Casual but sexy. He was already wearing black jeans and a white button up open at the collar, but the right jacket would just set it off perfectly.

He lingered on his expensive racing jacket. That one was good, it made him look like just a bit of a bad boy but then his eyes fell on his brown leather jacket. Yes, that was the one. He slid it off the hanger and slipped it on.

He glanced in the mirror, knowing he looked good. He wasn't just being conceited, everyone said so. Well, almost everyone. A certain cute, but cold-hearted witch came to mind.

He spent a little time practicing his best "puppy dog eyes" and charming smile in the mirror hoping they would gain him some ground with his Sky.

In the living room Phan is looking through her socials on her phone. "You're up early, off to see Sky?" Phan asks.

"What if I am? What about you young Pup, I saw the way you danced with the hotel receptionist last night." Pai says with a grin. Phan blushes and Pai knows he is right that there is something between those two. It's unusual for Phan to focus on one person, but then he hardly has room to talk. Actually, the three of them are three of a kind, or have been up until now. Plerng who was born to flirt with men, Phan who dated her way through half the girls in her highschool, and he who loved everyone cute regardless of gender.

"Tell Sky mother expects him to come for lunch. Phayu and Rain too if they are free." Phan smirks a little at this, and Pai knows what she is really saying is if they leave their bedroom today. Rain had mentioned last night that today was his free day.

"Okay, I will see if Ple can join us as well." Pai teases.

"She's working today." Phan says then immediately slaps a hand over her mouth. Oh, so Phan had already asked her. Pai will store this information and tease his sister with it later, for now he needs to see his Sky.

Downstairs Pai grabs a cup of coffee from the hotel cafe and a pastry. He finds Sky at his usual station in the lobby, going over paperwork and ready to step in if Ple needs a hand with guests. Creatures from all over the monster realm will start arriving tonight for the races. He hands over the coffee and pastry without a word, to his surprise Sky takes it without protest. In Pai's mind this is progress. He is just about to use his best flirting skills when Nui, the head housekeeper, comes in looking distressed.

"What's wrong, P'Nui?" Ple asks.

"The two temporary housekeepers we hired didn't show up, three of our regulars are out with healing disease," there has been an epidemic of healing disease going through the zombie population lately. Unlike with other creatures, zombies and ghosts could be hurt by healing. "And Pear is still out for her materiality leave."

"Oh, no," Ple looks panicked and even Sky looks a little anxious at this, "We have over 300 rooms that need to be cleaned, and fresh bedding and towels put out before the guests start arriving in a few hours."

"Can I help?" Pai asks.

Sky looks at him like he is about to refuse but then says, "How are you at cleaning bathrooms?"

"Huh?" Pai was thinking of helping by finding workers. Not actually cleaning the rooms himself.

As if reading his mind, Sky says, "There is no time to find people and wait for them to show up. We'll have to do this ourselves."

There was a small army gathered in the lobby. Sky had dared to pull Phayu and Rain out of their lovenest and they were both there. Phayu was going to help P'Aon check to see if any of the rooms needed last minute repairs and Rain was helping stock towels and sheets. Pai's Mother and siblings were also there. They had volunteered when Pai had called to explain why they wouldn't be able to make it to lunch after all. All the hotel staff was here as well.

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