Chapter 1 the years of isolation

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Four years had passed since that fateful night—the night it escaped captivity and bonded with its host. During these four years, it remained dormant, quietly observing everything that unfolded around its host. In the beginning, the twins were treated equally by their parents, but as they grew into toddlers, things began to change. Issei, the boy who hosted it, subtly received less attention, while Ichika garnered the majority of their parents' focus. If Ichika desired one thing and Issei another, Ichika would always win, with Issei being promised his turn, which never seemed to come. Although their parents weren't abusive, they were neglectful, and it was evident to anyone that Ichika was the favored child. Issei, being still very young, didn't fully grasp this dynamic yet, but the entity within him knew that time would reveal the truth, and the fear of his parents' lack of love for him would become a delectable sensation.

Kindergarten marked the twins' first day of school, and they had just entered their new classroom. The teacher, whose name the entity didn't bother to learn, decided to pair up each student. Issei was paired with a boy who had dark hair and glasses. As the day progressed, the two boys struck up a friendship, discussing their favorite shows, toys, and games. However, their budding camaraderie took an unexpected turn when Issei unwittingly revealed a secret.

"I don't think you'd like that one; it has spiders in it," issei said, unknowingly sealing his fate.

Startled, the boy asked, "How do you know I'm scared of spiders?"

"I just know, like how I know you're also scared of heights and clowns," issei replied casually. "I know what everyone is afraid of."

The entity was surprised by the rapid manifestation of this unusual ability. It had expected it would take longer for the boy to exhibit powers from their connection, but this signified a high level of compatibility.

"That's so weird," the boy with glasses said, rushing to tell the teacher. While the teacher didn't genuinely believe that a child could know others' fears, she assigned the boy with glasses to form a trio with two others, unwittingly initiating a cascade of rumors. From that day forward, Issei became a social outcast. No one played or talked with him, and the teacher made no effort to address his isolation. Issei remained an outcast for years until two girls befriended him, but both eventually moved away. The entity didn't bother to remember their names but could recall their appearances—one tomboyish with light orange hair, the other shy with raven-black hair. Their departure only deepened Issei's isolation.

Turning to the internet, Issei began creating horror content under the alias nightmare author that gained immense popularity for its spine-chilling nature. Now, at 17 years old and in his third year of high school, his sister had become increasingly popular, especially after joining the school's occult research club. Our story takes us to a fateful night when, on his way home, Issei was approached by a girl with long dark hair and pink eyes.

"Are you Issei Hyoudou?" the girl asked.

Surprised, Issei replied, "Yes, I am." He examined her carefully, noting that she wore a school uniform he didn't recognize.

"My name is Yuuma," she said, "and I was wondering if you'd go on a date with me."

"What?!" Issei exclaimed in astonishment.

authors note   i was planning on showing more of isseis childhood but realised it would just be pretty boring so id gloss over it  but if you guys want me to do like a sub episode about his childhood let me know and i just might also i would love some feedback so if you feel inclined please do share your opinion

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