The Test, The Dream

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     I boot up my pc, the black screen lighting up my room with static. Seriously, we can create life but our computers take years to load. The gray screen gains color as a web page takes a presence on the screen.

'Welcome to the online Pokémon Academy Application'




Yeah yeah yeah, agree, male, Aurora, basic shit. The dull blue and white-ish gray starts to sting my eyes. Why do these schools have to ask this bullshit?

1. Which of these matter the most to you?

Fame is how you live longer than your body. Well, maybe not me but the rest of the options are fucking weird middle school syndrome shit.

2. How would you prefer to spend your free time ?

Video games are one of the best ways to kill time in this shitty town. I swear, being on essentially lock down is really dumb.

3. What profession are you most suited for?

Pokemon Master is the dream for most kids so sure, the rest sound boring anyways.

4. What do you fear most?

Death, duh. At least the existential dread that comes over me randomly says so.

5. If you were a Pokemon, what would you be?

I'm getting sick and tired of questions so answer with A it is.

       Ughhhhhhhhh, I bloody hate these fucking questionnaires, but it's all done now. Alrighty, now what to doooooo.




    I stand up, stretching a bit, bending backwards till I touch my ankles and then lazily move downstairs. I take a look at the woman sitting down eating, her long, dark hair falling and shifting around her shoulders as she moves to eat. Her bright eyes meet mine for a second and I pick up my pace as I reach the fridge.

I look in it for a second then close it.

Then open it again, spot a soda that I now noticed and stuff it into my pocket.

Magic fridge.

    A glance reveals that I no longer have any eyes on me, so I slip through the doorway into that person's room. I steal a peek at the hydreigon sitting on the table, contemplating taking it before I leave, before deciding that searching the dresser would yield better results and less arrests.

    I open the top drawer, expecting an empty space for an empty human, but instead find a note. I can't help but breath out my thoughts after reading the contents, "What the fuck?" The letter addressed to my mother was about some dangerous organization that popped up. Now I wouldn't be that surprised about a new organization being mentioned in the newspaper, after all, team rocket was still at large as a pokemon blackmarket and several "teams" have appeared to destroy the world or something.

   But this note was addressed to the bitch in the kitchen and the group was called dangerous. I mean sure, some attempted to flood the world, but they never succeeded, and were barely a threat to the average citizen.





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