A Brawl

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  I dashed out of the house, seeing all the buildings I've never actually entered before. I see what looks to be the largest building here, all smooth stone and with a red stripe in the center of the roof. Deciding this was as good a place as any to explore.

  I step into a bright white lab, my pupils again being assaulted by bright light, shrunk to pin pricks for a few seconds until they adapted. I proceed to walk over to a fairly young man with glasses next to the most adorable vulpix as I mentally curse my decision.

  "Normally I'd have starter Pokémon lined up for beginner trainers like you to start their adventure. However, it seems you were a bit late compared to the others. I have no more Pokémon to give." Before I even got a chance to say hello, this pretentious asshole just started monologuing about my lateness, despite the fact that I didn't know shit about any meeting beforehand. As I open up my mouth to retort and possibly fight this fucker... "I can tell that the only reason you were late was probably due to you studying too late right?"

  Nevermind, I get the feeling he'll give me something if I just stay quiet, so I nod my head the tiniest bit.

  "I remember those days when I was your age. Good times." Sure thing grandpa. "Here. I may not have any Pokémon to give, but this will help you catch one." The reflective, if annoying, voice drawls on, making me unfocused until he pulls out a great ball, which I happily snatch, stuff in my pocket, then speed walk out the door.

  Man, why are all the professors so old? I travel down the path, which just looped, until I saw the second largest building that wasn't a police station. Also, are there seriously only four buildings here? Where were these kids' houses?

  Questioning thoughts were pushed aside as I walked into a large room. A balding clerk at the counter was spinning around, a police officer was also just sitting at the counter. However, what really caught my attention was a fat man drooling over a blond teen.

  Now, I don't consider myself a hero...., which is why I'll ignore it. Unfortunately, the only open gaming cabinet was next to the poor girl being ogled, so I just accepted what was going to happen, knowing how this world was.

  I sat my butt onto the hard, blue seat. One second passes by. I adjust my posture, before reaching my hands out to the cabinet. Another second passes. I can't help myself, so I glance at the girl only to find two wide eyes looking straight into mine. Fuck, I thought I got lucky.

  "I know we just met, but can you do me a favor?" No. My mouth opening to say the like, but she just bulldozed into the next sentence. "You look pretty strong and know what you're doing so I think you can handle this." No, fuck no, please no. Don't butter me up, I'm weak to compliments, and like challenging authority. "Will you help me?"

"...haa, fine, lay it on me," I sigh out as I look down in defeat.

  "Okay so... There's this guy right? He's a weird dude, and freaks Me out because I feel he's always watching me. Can you like... I dunno, scare him off? Just so he knows he's being watched himself." The annoying little girl goes on and on about the simple problem. Creep is stalking her, solution, beat him till he bleeds.

  So I stand up despite the fact that I sat down only a few seconds ago, and then walk over to the guy.

  "I like to watch a beautiful maiden everyday when she comes to this arcade. She's so perfect," the snotty, disgusting sound that was his voice spouted equally horrifying bullshit. Like seriously, the fuck is wrong with you man?

  "Hey, creep, you can't do that shit. It's fairly illegal and just straight up gross, even the kid you're stalking thinks so," my voice is low as to not disturb the place, but still has force to it so he knows I'm not just joking.

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