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  A female police officer waits for me at the end of the dock. Her aqua hair contrasted with the purple uniform unexpectedly well. She is also quite lanky for a police woman, but I'm sure she could throw a nasty punch from my experience. This woman confuses me if I were to be honest, her face was unexpectedly soft and the uniform, though fairly pretty on her, suits an office worker at a 9 to 5 more than a person who deals with criminals aided by powerful dragons or ghosts.

Pushing my thoughts away before I start questioning how the fuck there are laws in a world where children can tame dragons, I start walking up the dock to the impatient woman as she stops tapping her foot. She must have been waiting for a while because there's a noticeable dent in the dirt where her foot was.

"I got word from HQ that a delinquent who likes to fight pokemon would be arriving. I'm assuming that'd be you. You match the description sooo..." this chick really has no idea interest in this job, does she? Or she just hates me, which is also very, very possible. Also, THAT'S how they introduce me to the staff. 'Yes, I need you to go pick up the crazy fucker who boxed a hitmonchan', where's my student-school confidentiality.

"Anyways. I'm here to escort you. Can't have you fighting anyone else's Pokemon, am I right? Haha." Fuck. The consequences of my own actions are annoying as hell. Her conconvincing laugh is really not doing my poor tired brain any favors, so I shall spite her. I just "Ha" at her little comment, leaving her standing there awkwardly.

One second.

I lock eyes with her amber ones, like caramel covering vanilla ice cream.

Two seconds.

I try to stand as straight as possible as well as keeping all emotions off of my face. 'Jenny' is the name I saw on her silver name tag as I was walking up.

Three seconds.

Her white clad hands are rising up from their previous hanging next to her thick thighs. They greet each other over her abdomen. Her slender fingers interlock in a very fluid motion.

Four seconds.

Her eyes have yet to leave mine despite her interlocked fingers beginning to twitch and fidget. I'm not actually taller than her, actually, I think I'm about a good two or three inches shorter. However, I am enjoying watching her knees bending inwards while her shoulders rise to meet the top of her pale neck.

Five seconds.

Her eyes are blinking more often, with a good three blinks every second. Her red lips, further highlighted by her lipstick, part just barely, as if she was going to talk. But she folds. I have to stop my grin from appearing on my face, as I continue to stare directly at her, emotionless on the surface.

Six seconds.

The amber leaves my eyes and her body is the smallest it can be. I can't help it. "Heh..hehehehahaha, alrigghahaht, let's.. heheh..go yeah?" I can't stop my giggles even as I try to talk. Her cheeks flare in a wonderful shade of embarrassment, before turning on her heels and speed walking toward the giant, brick building on the hill.

I also take off, following close behind her, taking in the sights as I do so. However, my very short attention span is quickly stimulated by the sound of claws on scales. I pass a large, if plain, fountain and decide to look at the VERY loud scratching and roaring. The amazing sight that greets me is like a page out of a storybook. A small lizard, bleeding and growling, with red spines lining its back and tail. Its trainer is worrying, but doesn't seem panicked about the poor child's condition. TheTotodile's opponent was almost triple its height, the reptilian form was noticeably streamline even with the bushy effect of its scales and tail. The Sceptile was obviously playing with the tiny croc as it smacks tiny around the dirt arena, as if it were sweeping dirt off a porch.

"So... This is the academy huh.. Dang, A Sceptile versus a Totodile? What an unfair advantage..." I stroll towards the sandbox-esque area and set my arms on the rusty railing which served as the only object blocking their sharp claws from giving me botched plastic surgery. Both lizards large and small, croc and geck alike, stop their game (fight for their life) to turn to me, odd. "Are the pokemon looking at me?"

A large boy, who I don't really focus on much due to my want to not look at a rock, and a purple haired girl run in front of their pokemon and start whispering to each other, if whispering meant to talk as loud as you can that is. The rock starts this little gossip train right in front of me.

"Is it me, or did I just see a police officer escorting someone?" Or not? Huh. I would be impressed with the non-trope conversation start, if not for what it implied. Why the fuck is this guy hallucinating children being escorted by sexy police/office workers?

"𝓘 𝓾𝓱.. 𝓘 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓴 𝓼𝓸." The woman is dressed like a shrine maiden, white sleeves cover her hands while the odd clothes accentuate her odd feel, as if she was dreaming rather than living. She also agrees on the fact of me existing, but her voice was quite nice to listen to compared to the rock. It sounds like wind chimes in the middle of the night. This wasn't even me just complimenting her, she just had this odd, supernatural aura around her.

"No lagging behind! Let's move it!" A ticked off Jenny had apparently sprinted down the stairs to tell me off after noticing I've run off, oh well. I submit myself to her and continue to follow her up a lengthy flight of stairs to the door of a school building. "The end of our little journey. A rather quick and simple task." Jenny emphasizes the quick and simple part of her speech, I wonder why. Her legs quickly take her inside, probably to avoid another staring contest.

"Hmm... Why did those other students seem so surprised?" I can't help but wonder aloud before quickly continuing in so that I don't get yelled at again. Besides, my curiosity was already peaking due to all the odd responses and people.

Word Count: 1078

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