(Bonus) The Story of Endless: The Outskirts of Prestige

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Note: This is extra content for The Story of Endless and isn't required for you to read.

Welcome to the outskirts of Prestige!

You'll now start at Chapter 251. Enjoy!

Note: This is a replay of the Pre-Infinitium portion of The Story of Endless but divided by /2, Meaning that it's the same length as Infinitium 1.

(There'll be no storylines after this point, Unlike the undivided one having a little dialogue along Act intervals.)

Subsection 5: The Abyss (Chapter 251-259)

Min power: 1 Spd

Max power: 1 Ocd

Chapter 251: The Red Tribe

The Red tribe is located in the middle of the floor.

By the tribe, There were enemies surrounding it, Protecting Krampus.

"What is this place?" I said.

The Abyss.

"What do we do here?" I said.

"We have to kill Krampus." Mya said.

"How are we going to do that?" I said.


Mya used her soul attack on one of the enemies and it died.

As soon as Mya killed one of them, All the enemies and the Mobs looked at us.

"Evil Humans!" Krampus said, "Attack!"

"Surrender!" I said.

Chapter 252: The Demonic Enemies: pt 1

"Take that, Minions!" I said as I used my fireball to knock them out.

Mya used soul attack and Twilight powers for the rest of the mobs.

"We used a shield to block Krampus's Incoming attacks, Apparently he was weak.

Chapter 253: The Demonic Enemies: pt 2

More enemies spawn around Krampus and start to attack us, However, they deal no damage at all.

"Haha, You can't defeat us!" I said.

Mya created an intense shockwave inside the room, Shocking every enemy to their death, Even it damage Krampus by a little bit.

Chapter 254: The Demonic Enemies: pt 3

Even More enemies spawned.

I used bombs at the enemies, Blowing them up into a million pieces.

"Take That!" I said.

This made Krampus more angry, so he spawned more enemies.

Chapter 255: The Demonic Enemies: pt 4

These enemies just get stronger and stronger.

Mya used soul Hunter on all the enemies.

"So easy." I said.

"Right." Mya said.

Chapter 256: The Demonic Enemies: pt 5

Mya was dancing happily.

I splashed water at all the enemies, Making them instantly die.

"Krampus the Noob!" I said.

Krampus was getting furious.

Chapter 257: The Demonic Enemies: pt 6

Mya snapped her fingers at all the enemies and they all died.

This made Krampus want to fight back, However, He decided to spawn more enemies.

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