Bowser's new obsession

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"I wonder what he's planning...." Mario said eating his pasta aggressively

"chill out bro! your going choke!" Luigi says worriedly

"thanks weege, but I hate saving peach! its not like I don't love her, it just it gets tiring having to save her all the time!" Mario grumbles -"and I hate going to the parties she host for us for saving her, she's sweet but I get over stimulated" Luigi adds fidgeting with his hands.

 "but hey! maybe he has given up?" "no, he's given up too much to do that"

"you never know!" Luigi adds in hopefully grabbing Mario's plate and putting it in the dishwasher.

"thanks bro but I still don't know" Mario sighs

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~bowsers P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

bowser sat in his room on his bed looking off into space. He still couldn't believe that he fell for the short green plumber, bowser just wanted to see him, his smile, his fluffy messy hair, his neat mustache, his adorable face. he burred his face into the pillow he was holding wishing it was Luigi. he fell over on his side cuddling the pillow. He suddenly sat bolt up right and dropped the pillow, quickly running out of his room to kamek's office. 


 "AH- uh I mean ahem what do need?" 

"I- um- don't want to kidnap peach anymore..." 

"what? why?!"

"I- um- don't like her anymore"

"oh, can you tell me why?"

"I like Luigi"

"oh- I- I wasn't expecting that, -not that its bad! I-It's just- you'

"I get it..... I'm going to make a letter for the treaty"


once bowser had finished writing the letter he handed it to kamek he sent it.\

~~~~~~~~~~~at peach's castle~~~~~~~~~

"your majesty I have received a letter from the Dark Lands" a small brown toad with a mustache said holding a tray with a letter with the dark lands symbol on it. "it must be one of the annoying love letters" peach rolled her eyes and opened the letter. Peaches eyes opened with surpise "get Mario and Luigi. now."

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