the letter

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Luigi puts on his iconic green hat and heads out with Mario to peach's castle.

"I wonder what's so important?" Luigi mutters fidgeting nervously

"What ever it is, I don't like it she's never been that shocked before!" Mario sighs speed walking as fast he can.

Once they arrive to peach's castle they see her rushing down the stairs.

"Princess! We came as soon as possible!" Mario says huffing

"Good! Look at this!" Peach says handing a letter to Luigi

Luigi looks at the letter, It has a ripped dark lands emblem. Luigi and Mario exchange worried glances before taking out the letter.

Mario reads the letter out loud. "Dear princess peach, I hope this finds you in good health. I have wrote this letter to tell you that I will no longer be kidnapping you or trying to make you marry me. I have moved on and I need my priorities straight. I want to make treaty, I will lend you my army and other goods that we can discuss later. Please send back a letter for the date of the meeting. Sincerely king bowser"

Luigi and Mario stood there mouths agape. "I- he- he can't be serious?!" Mario exclaims

"Dead serious." Peach says still surprised.

Luigi stood there as Mario and peach talked. Bowser was scary, and Luigi well..... was a kind of a wimp. But! One thing about Luigi is that he always tries to see the best in people, even bowser could be a nice koopa..... right? Peach and Mario continued to argue.

"You can't be serious?! He's kidnapped you to many times! He's dangerous!" Mario exclaims as he rubs his temples.

"It would be better than being enemies!" Peach argues

"Let's do it. It would be good for both sides, and you don't have to like him." Luigi says

"Ugh fine......" Mario sighs

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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