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7:03 A.M.


getting ready for school this morning felt different.

it wasn't the type of good feeling where jungwon was feeling butterflies in his stomach, excited to see riki. from the moment he woke up, it was like his heart was sinking in anxiousness. but he couldn't put his finger on it—there was nothing to be afraid of.

maybe it was because it was completely silent or maybe because there were no workers in his house. either way, something was off. the sudden realization of the unusual quietness wakes him up completely, running out of his room in search of his own guard and driver. it was like how it was on christmas day, but instead of the excitement he felt finally being alone with riki, he felt uneasy.

"you're not going to school today jungwon." the deep voice from behind him sends jolts down jungwon's body.

"what why?"

"i don't have time to argue with you, i'm already running late to my business proposal. i sent everyone home for today, so you're staying." he rushes, not even looking at his own son, and heads out of the door. it's not like he wasn't used to this, but when he's left in a big empty house like this, he gets lonely.

and his father doesn't really want to take these extremes just to force jungwon to stay home, but king pin wanted to enact his plan to expose who spiderman was at their school. from the information yang wonshik provided, king pin knew that jungwon was close to spiderman and the only way to find out the hero's identity was to come at him directly.

yang wonshik couldn't lose another family member.

so he let everyone go home and took jungwon's motorcycle as well.

after minutes of pacing back and forth, his head aching from all the possible ways to get to school on time without his father knowing, jungwon rubs his eyes in frustration. he doesn't understand his father sometimes. he's harsh and cruel, but he has this spark of worry and care in his eyes. either way, jungwon decides to go against his father's wishes.

he grabs a hoodie that riki left over the break, a thick puffer jacket, and gloves before heading out of the door.

it's been 12 minutes. 12 minutes and jungwon can't feel any of his limbs.

his face is slowly turning into a cherry blossom pink, the tips of his ears and nose succumbing to the winter air. his teeth trembling is echoing in his head while the air he blows out forms a gray cloud in front of him. the good thing is that he's out in town and can see other people who are struggling as much as him, but he is 50 minutes away from school and school starts in 38 minutes, and when students are late, their parents are called.

jungwon wonders if he's doing the right thing.

stopping in his track as he considers going back, jungwon is suddenly face to face with a webbed hero, being swept up from the ground and swung into the air. instead of screaming like he used to, he sighs in relief, snuggling into the warm embrace of spiderman.

spiderman, on the other hand, tries to calm his heart as he noticed a familiar hoodie he left on purpose. it doesn't help that riki stays in his delusional mind, hoping that jungwon wears it to sleep as he breathes in its scent that riki drowned with his cologne.

"what are you doing walking outside in the cold, citizen?" he swings in the direction heading to school.

"missed the bus." the 'citizen' can't help but be sarcastic like he was on the rooftop months ago. he hears a chuckle come from spiderman, causing himself to crack a little smile. jungwon missed this, just joking around with a friend, although he didn't know who the hero was.

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