6. Start pursuing her...

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MJ went to the Knight Enterprise because his assistant Daniel called him for Board of directors Meetings....the expansion of Knight Enterprises in Shanghai China will be the main core and the outcome projects and plans of the new building of Knight High Tech.in China will be subdued the other low rate company under Knight Enterprise....

MJ planned to go on the next 4 days bringing Athena with him as their supposed Wedding Honeymoon.He called his Secretary and arranged their Plan of travel...

MJ called his Household staff to asked about Athena Conditions ,the latter told him that she's still weak and tried to eat little food but soon she puke it out ,
MJ called Dr.Brown again and tell Athena's condition...Dr.Brown decided to gave Athena a calcium ion carbonate injectable so that even she can't eat a solid food still she can have energy and strength to cope....
Athena also got her cough cause of staying in a cold place... the cough just gave Athena some uncomfortable state..the sore throat is killing her, she even have a hoarse voice.

MJ asked Dr.Brown how long could Athena recovered her strength, the Doctor advice later the next 2 days she will be fine and least a cough my have a little late on..MJ relieved...

Afternoon Later,MJ decided to go home but She encounter Suzette visited him..

Suzette Pov:
" MJ Son, how are you? I heard Alonah is being so sweet and helpful to you, how's the thing between you 2 ? Did I say that you have a very good time with her ....What happened after the gala?
I've been in London in the house of my Sister lately and I will never had any news about you and her...And how about your Substitute wife now ? Did she know that sooner or later you two will be divorcing..."

MJ Pov:
" Suzette , maybe you should leave that matters to me and I believe that things called Divorce is out of the questions now cause I don't think I have to do that anymore..."

Suzette Pov:
" I'm glad that you will punished her till the last day of her life..."
" but are you sure about that decisions of yours?.."
" She will be sticking to you like a leech and sooner later she will be so clingy to you..."
" She never leave you even you wanted "..

MJ Pov :
" That's what I like ...
" And I think ,you will have no say in anything about my decision, I am Matthew Jonas Knight remember and no one messed with me or my woman........I think I have to go..Actually Athena got sick after our private couple business...

Suzette Pov:
" MJ had you forgot my daughter Sarah now?
" Had you fall for that scheming woman after what she have done to my poor baby and grandchild..."

Suzette shows her crystal clear drama infront of MJ.the latter just walked away from his own office and went home...

Went he Arrived in their own Mansion , MJ went to their room to changed and check Athena but he didn't saw Athena..He panicked and called the house butler where could Athena be...

Butler Simon Pov:
"Master, the Lady is on the veranda, she can walked now and Trying to get more relaxed,Dr.Brown already removed her Injectable this morning because She's going to be alright..

MJ Dismiss the butler and come to look at his wife..He saw her reading on the lobby chair of the veranda....

MJ Pov:
" I'm glad you are feeling better now ,you should be take care of yourself ,and speaking of that , I think you should be on the inside because it's going dawn already..."

" I carried you inside .."

Athena never refused,she just hold on to MJ Neck and she let MJ carried her in thier room..
Athena can't believe how muscular her Husband , she just like some fruit basket when she was easyly lifted by him.

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