10.Shanghai China

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The next day is MJ and Athena flight to China...

The weather news are Winter and First month of Snow ..Which Athena love the most...

Late at Night when they'll Arrive in Shangri la Hotel.... Athena is so tired for 8 hours none stopped flight...
She even yawning from Sleepiness...
MJ brought their Luggages and Athena's Hermes bag...She is so exhausted that when she saw the king size bed,she dropped herself on it and closed her eyes...

MJ Pov:
" Let me changed your Dress Dear..."

Athena declined and immediately stand up..
" What wrong in changing your dress.??..."

Athena Pov:
" No..Thanks I can manage..."

After saying her words,she went to open her suit case and find her Comfortable Long sleeves Pajama which she bought with a couple pairs... She handle it to MJ and she went inside the Bathroom , Did her facial routine ,brushed her teeth...put some moisturizer in her face and she's done ...She came out and saw that MJ is waiting for her...She pushed MJ in the bathroom and threw the Same pajama to him...

After a minute while MJ is still in the bathroom.
Athena ordered some Snacks and Beverages..
She was confused when the phone operator reply that the orders are already made from the President...She asked what did he ordered?

The receptionist answered.... Snacks and A bottle of red wine...

Athena Pov:
"Red wine??..."
" He had a Conference tomorrow why he drink tonight?..
" This man is unreasonable!!.."

Then MJ came from the bathroom...He saw Athena Curious look at him...

" Why you need to drink some wine tonight when you know that you have a conference tomorrow??  huh??!!.."

MJ Pov:
" Dear Wife... it's only for unwinding!!.."
" Red wine is only for appetizers....

Athena closed her robe and look concious..

MJ smiled from her reaction ..

" It's a fruity drinks... believe me ,..its like a champagne... your favorite??.."
" Or lease ...Much better from Champagne.."
"Come and lets go to the Terrace...The news said,The Snow rain  tonight...You like that??"

Athena Pov:
" Really??...Wow!!.."

MJ nodded and lead Athena to the terrace...He left Athena to get the Order and bring it outside too ...
Athena saw many people outside waiting for the first Snow rain in Shanghai...As they are in the Penthouse,the people outside their house and the people around them are so excited ...

MJ brought a fluffy furr Blanket for Athena and looked around the place .... MJ pour the two wine glass of Red wine and gave it to Athena...

Athena sip a little and taste the bitter...but MJ told her to go on...bit by bit as the weather became colder than before and wind blows are so Cold... Athena drink the wine that gave her some comfortable feeling ...She ate some Sweet cookies and enjoying the wine when the Snow start to rain... Athena feel like a first time Snow experience child ...She even catched the Snow flakes and feel so happy...

MJ hugged her and feel the body heat from the cold ....

An hour later the whole place are so cold ,so white from the snow and Athena sniff  from the Cold weather...Even  MJ put the blanket on ...So they'll decided to go inside and watched the falling Snow outside the windows..

MJ and Athena almost finished the whole bottle of Red wine...Athena really enjoy the moments
and she's drunk...

Athena Pov:
" The wine is fine... the weather is good...the man beside me is gorgeous...what else could I asked for..."

forever yours Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat