Red Shower 💜

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Trigger warning !! This chapter contains:
Graphic depictions of wounds
mention of suicide
(alexandria era when they first got there)

Carl Pov:

I was getting ready to take a shower, it's been about a week since we've been in alexandria. It's better here, we can finally rest a little bit.

Taking off my clothes one by one soon reveals the many scars on my body. My arms, shoulders, thighs, calves, stomach, chest, face.. I cover my face with a mask often to hide the scars. I've been wearing it for about a year now and the only time I take it off is to shower or sleep.

I sighed loudly. I wish I didn't do this. I got into the shower and turned the water on to warm. I grabbed a razor off of the counter and took a deep breath.

Slashing into my skin with each swipe making deep wounds along my wrist. The water ran red beneath me and it stung at my wrist. It felt like a relief.

Then, pulling my hand up to my face. Pressing it down and swipe. A deep laceration across my cheek. Light red water leaked down my body as the cut dropped blood.

I continued to cut a little more then rinsing out the cuts. I got out and patted my body dry being cautious of the newly placed wounds. Searching around the cabinet I found some bandages and gauze.

I placed the bandages over each wound and wrapped the gauze around them gently. Then I placed one on my cheek and wrapped it around the back of my head. Put back on my dark blue jeans, grey shirt, and grey flannel. I pulled up a mask over my face and put my dad's hat on.

~ small time skip ~

Rick Pov:

"Finally off that long shift." I said under my breath as I walked into my house.

I walked into the bathroom to wash my face and hands. All grimey.

As soon as I walked into the bathroom I noticed blood on the floor, in the shower and on the counter.

"What the hell?"

Then I saw a broken razor sitting there.

"Who.. Carl." I said to myself. "No.. No.."

Quickly, I went into Carl's room. He was just sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Carl.. what happened?" I asked him.

Carl Pov:

"I-" I couldn't speak. If I spoke I would just completely break down. I can't have him see me like that.. I'm not weak.. Am I?

Shit. I'm sitting here without my mask. My dad sits on the edge of my bed next to me.

"Carl.. what happened?" He says as he sees all my bandages. I didn't make an effort to cover up. I wanted whoever was the next person to come in to notice. To see how badly I'm hurting.

Silent tears fall from my eyes. I just leaned over and laid in his arms. Tears dripped onto him. In a split second everything changed. I completely broke down. My silent tears turned to sobs.

He rubbed my head and held me. I sat up. My face stained with tear trails, my eyes sore and puffy from crying.

He lifted the bandage from my cheek and looked at it. My dad was normally strong and didn't let things get to him, but the look on his face made my heart sink.

He then unwrapped the ones on my arms, legs.. the rest of my body. His eyes welled with tears. This is the only way I can express my emotions I never meant to hurt anyone.. Especially my dad.

Rick Pov:

Seeing all of his scars.. fresh wounds. It hurts. I knew how much of a toll this new world takes on people, but I never expected Carl to feel this way.

"Come on Carl, let's go to the infirmary. Get you stitched up. You can stop wearing the mask too if you want, no one's going to judge you." I said with a quiet tone.

He got up and followed behind me. Tears still running down his eyes. I've never seen him this way, I didn't know all the pain he was going through.

We walk out the door and head towards the infirmary. Carl had his face exposed along with his bandages.

We got into the infirmary and I talked to Denise and explained what had happened. She brought Carl into a big hug and held him for a while. He broke down again. Piercing sobs echo throughout the building.

Carl sits down on the table and Denise gathers supplies; gauze, bandages, a numbing liquid, and sutures. She first cleans around his wounds and she tells him the numbing part is going to hurt.

I sit next to him and hold his hand tightly.

"It's going to be okay Carl, you're doing the right thing I promise." I say to him. I can feel tears well up in my eyes and my voice cracks.

I'm trying to be strong for him, I don't want him hurting like this. He's still a kid. He doesn't deserve this.

Denise pokes all of his wounds with a needle to numb them. Carl grips my hand tightly and tears run down his face. He's a strong kid.

After, she takes the sutures and sticks them through his wounds. In an out. Pulling them together. After she's all done, she rubs antibiotic cream onto all of them and bandages them back up.

"Change the bandages at least every other day Carl, you don't want these to get infected." She says with concern in her voice.

"Feel better Carl, I'm always here if you need anything at all." He smiles at that.

Carl Pov:

That was really stressful. I feel so much better getting those stitched. My whole body burned and it felt like I couldn't move. I put my hand to my face and rubbed where the stitches were.

I don't want to keep hurting myself. It hurts. I hate it. I'm glad I finally talked to my dad. I think next I would've tried to kill myself..

"Dad?" I said with a shaky, hoarse voice.

"Yeah Carl?" He replied

"I think I wanted.. I would've tried to.. kill myself if I didn't tell you.." I basically whispered back.

He stopped walking. He pulled me into a hug and didn't let go for at least 10 minutes. We stood there.

"I love you Carl." He said, I felt the tears drop onto my shirt.

"I-I love you too dad." I said.
1096 words

i love angst 🤍

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