.·'¯'·.·★ 1 ★·.·'¯'·.

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[Small clarification, the timeline will be modified in a large percentage for the convenience of the story, possible spoilers for the manhwa]

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That day had simply started like any other, well, we do take into account the almost complete mobilization of Asia in search of stopping something that had caused as many if not more problems than before with the appearance of Kamish.

Sung Jin-Woo woke up comfortably in his room, tangled in the blankets that he knew so well after having fallen prey to Morpheus the night before after having ended up dead with his almost obsessive rounds of cleaning portals now that most high-ranking hunters were far from the country.

He stretched out like a cat, feeling the crunch of his bones after having been in the same position for too long while sleeping, the blankets clinging to his body warmly as he tried in every way to clear himself of the sleep that was still consuming him, lazily he took a seat. , allowing the soft pillows to support him as he fought the remains of his night's relaxing sleep.

From among his shadows, some of his loyal followers sent him good morning greetings through the shared connection, while others like Igris and Tank came out of the shadow that made up the bed where their king rested.

The first, the knight in shining armor with bluish flashes stood like a soldier next to the bed, waiting for orders to help him start the day, while the beast that now maintained a "pocket" size if we consider that it measures Like a bear cub, settled placidly in the arms of his beloved master, trying to convince him to sleep a little more.

Sadly for the bear, Jin-Woo knows his shennanigans, the way he molds himself to his arms with that fur made of shadows with a strange fluffy and filmy texture, as if you touched the dry ice smoke used at parties, He knew those tricks to force him to take breaks when his invocations wanted to pamper him after hard days, as the last week had honestly been.

The black-haired man took his little beast, squeezing the creature in his arms, inhaling the "aroma" of forest and berries that the bears he had caught shared, he relaxed, feeling a pleasant bath of an indecipherable "something" and lost himself for a few seconds. , with his face hidden from the world in his fluffy mane. Satisfied, he turned his face away, receiving an annoyed growl from the beast, as if to imply that he was unhappy that his plan had not worked, obtaining in response a caress on his ears and a sweet kiss on the small, cool nose on his snout. .

Jin-Woo knew perfectly how to dominate each of his shadows, he knew how pampered they could be as they grew with the help of his power and how much they all hoped to be of use to him.

Calmly, he called Iron from his shadow, handing him the bear cub that looked more like a hyper-realistic stuffed animal in the arms of his childish summons, he felt a smile and laughter bubbling in his chest and asked them to go and see if his mother and sister were awake yet. so that they would assist them in whatever way they could.

Both invocations, one more hyperactive than the other, came out and a few seconds later he was alone with Igris in the room. He shifted in bed, noticing that once again someone had taken out his clothes to allow him to sleep more peacefully, 

He really should begin to be more grateful and so he did, sending through the line that united them a warm and loving gratitude, in response, Igris' presence was constant and overflowing with happiness contained in a show of service to his lord, something that The black-haired man really didn't swallow as such.

The rest of the bedding was slowly stripped away from the mess it was when he slept, and Igris reached out to help him stand up, not that he needed it, but he understood that it was something his summons liked to do, taking a helpful attitude because "it was their responsibility" to take care of him.

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