The world as is (prologue)

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For as long as the existence of humans, there has been a separation. Magic's and humans as they are. There is no record of how it started, when it started, who or what decided it so. At this point in the world, humans think they're better than magics and treat them as animals. Being a magic is peaceful until a human comes along, then it sucks ass.
Bamirat is a small village settled in a small gulf far outside of the larger human cities. There are huge expanses of magic territory just up the hills and past the tree line. The forest is full of magics, most peaceful. Occasionally something more sinister will pass through but the magics have an evolutionary sense of how to go about that. The people of Bamirat don't often bother the magics unless a magic child is born to a human mother (depending on the species, this unfortunately often results in the death of the mother and the child) when a magic baby is born theres a bit of a blood hunt, humans with weapons and torches raid the first mile or so of the forest expressing their anger. On the off chance the baby survives, it's left for dead by the humans unless another magic saves it.
On the topic of magic children, occasionally a family can get away with hiding a magic child. Bind ears and hands, poll horns, clip tails and feathers. Obviously it's very difficult for the child to keep up and usually by 10 or 12 they snap and reveal their species in one way or another. A few recorded cases show a whole family of magics merging into society, but they're always very powerful and usually have some skill for shapeshifting. If revealed they're usually killed unless they escape.

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