Tips for the common human

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Despite absolutely HATING to admit it, Will was genuinely worried that this human would get himself killed. While strong and terrifying in numbers, just one polite human would get mauled by just about anything in the woods. He didn't know how to approach the subject so he just went back to his daily life, foraging and surviving. He had another conversation with Alana where he expressed his concerns about both the forest and Dr. Lecter. She said if he's really worried about it he could just go knock and offer him advice. He decided to give it a few more days until he started getting an eerie vibe whenever he passed fae territory. Fae may seem reclusive and generally invisible but they will fuck your shit up. The reason the fae don't communicate with Will is because when he moved into his den, he didn't bother introducing himself. The fae started breaking any charms he placed and leaving creepy thistle dolls around his den. He gave them apology gifts for weeks before they finally didn't bother him. Will decided if Dr.Lecter didn't properly introduce himself, it would be his fault for telling him not to bother. So one afternoon he worked up the courage, put on his best human act, and knocked on the cabin door. After a few moments the man answered the door with a smile. "Will, what a pleasant surprise. Is there something I can help you with?" It took him a minute to process the greeting. Humans are just so wordy. "Um... hi. I think I- I may have... misinformed you? I said not to bother meeting the fae but I meant don't attempt a face to face greeting. You really should leave some offerings for them. They accept about anything, food or trinkets. I can show you where to put things so they'll see it. I'm not sure if you have the sense for magic at all but they get a weird vibe when they're grumpy." He attempted the whole time to make eye contact but it was near impossible. He didn't know how human interactions should be, he only had Alana for reference. It was an anxious endeavor to talk to a human. Dr.Lecter nodded in acknowledgment and thought for a moment. "I have a passion for cooking. I'll make them some food. Do you know what they like and what portions they would eat?" He didn't seem offended by Wills way of talking. He took it as a good sign and gained confidence in his speech. "Yeah, they like shelf stable things. Whenever they're mad at me I make them snack bars. They eat pretty small portions, they're only about the size of a woodpecker." Will fiddled with the waist band of the pants. Clothes felt very weird. The man nodded again and thought a bit. "I can make them something. If it wouldn't inconvenience you, would you mind showing me where to leave it tomorrow morning?" They discussed a few details and Will agreed to show him in the morning. He figured that was it and they would go about the rest of their day but dr.Lecter continued. "Will forgive me if it's a rude question but is there a human you're friends with?" His face didn't show an emotion, not even curiosity. "Um. Yeah I guess. She's trying to teach me about humans. She said it's important to know things so humans don't get offended by me." Saying it out loud made it sound bad. At least to him, maybe it sounded perfectly acceptable to Dr.Lecter. "Did she give you those clothes to wear around humans?" Will was slightly disappointed that it was so obvious someone taught him to be human. "Yeah. She says it's "indecent" not to wear clothes. Personally I don't see the big deal but she told me humans don't like nudity." Once again the explanation was weird to him, but the man nodded in understanding. "Please don't concern yourself with human mannerisms around me. While I appreciate the consideration I can tell acting human does not come naturally nor comfortably to you." With that the doctor said his goodbye, followed by an awkward goodbye from Will, and they went back to their days.
The morning came faster than anticipated. Will had been overthinking the humans instructions to not force a human mannerism. He decided to take it as if he was walking with Matthew. He didn't grab the weird scratchy clothes and brought his bow and foraging bag instead. He sat outside his den waiting for Dr.Lecter. The man exited the cabin wearing a much more woods suitable outfit. He wore jeans and a flannel rather than the odd suit. "Good morning Dr.Lecter." He forced a decent smile and stood to start the walk. "Good morning Will. Please feel free to call me Hannibal." Will nodded and they walked mostly in silence, occasionally Hannibal would comment on how beautiful it was and Will would agree. They took a few stops and detours so Will could collect something or check a trap he had. Will was sure to point out landmarks and specific locations so Hannibal could walk on his own later on. They reached fae territory and Will explained how to place the offerings so they fae would accept it. He noticed the eerie feeling was replaced with an anxiety and fear. He could tell it was directed towards the human. Will had heard the fae were typically unafraid of humans due to their lack of magic. Maybe it's just because these woods haven't seen a human in generations. Whatever it was he could tell the fae were trying to urge Will away from Hannibal. Once Hannibal was done He stood and looked around a bit. "You said some humans have a sense for magic?" Will nodded to the question and Hannibal looked out into the woods. "I feel something but I'm unsure how to describe it. It feels like a powerful threat. I'm glad you're here to help me Will, I do get the sense I've bothered someone. Thank you for your help." They walked back and Will stayed a few extra steps to the left, just in case. He still got an anxious feeling around Hannibal, but continued to assume it's because he's human. Once they reached the clearing between the den and the cabin a blur of orange and yellow crashed down between them. Matthew jumped up from his crash landing and spread his wings big. He bared his teeth and made threatening motions with his talons. All directed at a very confused Hannibal. "Matthew!" Will grabbed his wing and shoved him so he'd stop. "Matthew fuckin stop!" Matthew grabbed Will and pulled him back. "He's gonna kill you!! I heard they turn magical things into weird statues and stick them to walls, Will get the fuck back!" Matthew treated Hannibal like he was a bear, backing up slowly, not turning his back, and making himself look big with his wings. Will blushed in embarrassment and huffed in annoyance. Hannibal stood quietly, letting Will sort it out. "Matthew you look fucking stupid." He grabbed Matthew face and made him turn to look at him. "This human is not a threat. Why would I be walking with him if he was a threat? Would you please stop the theatrics. He needed to give the fae an offering and I was helping him." Matthew put his wings and arms down and looked a little dumbly. "So... you're sure he won't kill us?" He eyed the doctor cautiously. Now Hannibal intervened with a comment. "I assure you I have no plans to harm anyone or anything in the forest." He smiled at Matthew despite the bad first impression. Will had Matthew step closer. "Dr.Lecter, Matthew. Matthew, Dr.Lecter. Here Matthew this is a human greeting watch." Will held out his hand and Hannibal took it and shook his hand. "Okay you try. Watch your talons." Matthew hesitantly put his hand out. Hannibal took his hand in a firm handshake but kept it brief to not worry the Harpy further. "Lovely to meet you Matthew." Hannibal was still very smiley. Will continued to find eye contact impossible and noticed Matthew couldn't quite get it either. "Yeah. Sorry. I've never met a human." Hannibal and Matthew had a quick conversation and Will went back to his den to make some lunch.
Before he could finish eating there was a banging at his door. In a whispered yell that could've been replaced by a normal speaking volume, he heard Matthew on the other side. "Will!.... Will let me in!" With a huff he got up and opened the door. "Unless you're grabbing your stuff, I think you should go." Matthew pushed his way in and shut the door, locking it as well. "He's not human." Matthew was dead serious and looked pale. "What do you mean?" Will didn't believe him to be perfectly honest, but he'd listen to some ramblings. "I don't know! He's got magic! It's harder for fauns and such to tell, you aren't all that magical, but harpy's are-" Will cut him off. "Okay rude, just because I don't steal highly magical items like a little magic Feind doesn't mean I can't sense shit. You're just anxious because our entire lives we've had it smashed into our heads that any amount of human will instantly result in death." Matthew looked disappointed and ran his hand through his hair. "Okay sorry yes your magical, but it's not humany; "oh no it's gonna kill me" anxious, it's like magic "oh fuck it's presence harbors doom" anxious. Okay? Just to put in perspective, once I flew through fae territory and when they confronted me I said "I don't see the big deal" and thank god it was across the mountains because every fae in that area was out for me for the next five years. That "human" is that, times 50."
Matthew was fully convinced, but Will wasn't sure. He had to run a few tests first. He made a whole list of tests: willingness to hold silver, reaction to an anti-morph barrier, ability to enter home without a specific invitation, possibly some insight on Hannibals nighttime habits, and feeling upon eye contact. These took a while to conduct inconspicuously, after a week Will had only tested the silver and anti-morph spell, both the same day while on a walk with Hannibal. "Hey I found this silver ring while I was out foraging, I can't touch it but I thought it was a nice trinket. Would you like it?" Hannibal looked at it on the cloth Will had it on and accepted. "Thank you Will. This is a lovely gift." He didn't seem to react to the metal, but Will did take note of how quickly he put it in his pocket. Along the trail Will had placed the anti-morph barrier that he intended to break down any human disguise Hannibal might have. As they approached, he seemed to hesitate. Then he looked to the side of the path and found what seemed to be a quick excuse. "Dear Will, would you know what kind of berries these are?" And he quickly left the path and managed to walk completely around the small barrier. So both tests seemed questionable. At the end of their walk Will decided to attempt another of the tests. He built as much confidence as he could, and while they were saying goodbye, he looked right into Hannibal's eyes. The immediate feeling was a deep pull and cling, but under the pull was an intense and dangerous predatory glare that felt as if it speared straight through Will. Hannibal's species has definitely come into question.

Under certain circumstances (draft 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora