I RETURN (Not a chapter)

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I've been gone for a while! Idk how many people are consistently reading this but I know it's at least one! I had some stuff going on in my personal life (moving, new school, mental health yk, the works) I actually broke my phone a month or two ago and the thing was REAL busted up, That's the main reason I was gone because my phone was my main device for writing. Anyway, point is I'll be picking up my writing again so expect some updates!
Also, if anyone is interested in some of my other works I have an ao3! The account is W1llGr4hm there's only a few very short works there but I'm planning on putting my finalized draft of under certain circumstances on there. Im also brainstorming some new stuff so be ready for another story if you're interested.
TLDR: back from a mild hiatus, have an ao3 (W1llGr4hm)

Under certain circumstances (draft 2)Where stories live. Discover now