My Last Mission, Huh

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Credits for the AU : Rixhie!    

                          (On youtube btw)


Dazai along with Chuuya are in the elevator which goes directly to the top floor - where the Port Mafia's Boss' office is. Dazai being the annoying person he is starts with his usual ' Annoy the hell out of Chuuya' talks.

"So~ Chibikko! How's the gallons of milk coming along? I don't see any increase in height and it's been weeks!"

"LAY OFF OF MY HEIGHT YOU BASTARD!! I am just 16! I am still growing!"

" Uh-huh! I totally see that Chibi!" 

And that earned him a fist in his face. He dodged a kick in the gut- Chibi was so predictable!

The elevator opened, revealing a hallway with a large doors at its end. The door was guarded by two mafia members, who at the arrival of the infamous Soukoku and the Demon Prodigy, flinched and straightened their postures. How fun.

As they reached the door, Chuuya stood in front waiting for permission to enter. However, Dazai being Dazai, swinged the door open carelessly, making Chuuya's face scrunch up in annoyance and at the fact that he had no respect for the boss.

" Ah Dazai-kun! What a pleasure to see you again. Been well? " Mori spoke as if he had expected the brunette to act the way he did.

"Having to meet you is worse than being forced to live. Thanks."

 Dazai spoke in an annoyed manner. Seriously, meeting with Mori was always exhausting. Dazai actually felt a bit relieved that this was going to be his last mission.

" Dazai! Don't disrespect the boss! " The ginger-head spoke which only earned a pout from Dazai.

" How cruel of you Dazai-kun! Now now Chuuya-kun it's alright. Dazai-kun has always been like that. Surely you of all people know how he is."

Dazai groaned. Chuuya replied with a "Right.." . Mori smiled in a way that Dazai found the unpleasant- 'probably unpleasant Mori shitty smiles number 6' Dazai thought.

" So, I believe that both of you already know why have been called?" Mori spoke.

How irritating. Mori knew that they had gone through all the document details for the mission and yet he still always wanted to speak like that. 


" We are being assigned to a new mission. " Chuuya interrupted Dazai before he could spout more slander for Mori.

" Yes Chuuya-kun.  Dazai-kun,  why don't you try to guess what the mission is?"

Stupid Mori.  Always asking Dazai this and that. He hate how he pulls that amused look everytime he entered the damn room.

"Uughhh, I suppose we are going to defeat another organization plotting against the Port Mafia. You want us to defeat them so that there aren't any possible threats aimed towards the Mafia and reduce the possible attacks that can happen by other groups associated with that organization."

" Ah, yes, that's correct Dazai-kun! You two are going to take down the 'Barbaric Beasts' organization that has been gaining some popularity recently."

"Right. The infiltration team came back with news that they were illegally importing weapons on a large scale. Also,  there have been several groups supporting the organization. " Chuuya spoke in a matter-of-fact tone.

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