...Dazai...? Wait...what's that noise?

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That slimy bastard. Always making it harder to do a damn mission. I swear, one day I am gonna kill that suicidal maniac. Bastard. 

Chuuya drove on his motorbike while using his ability to manipulate it to go the way he wanted, whether it be on building or jumping it over other vehicles or speeding faster than the eye could see. He had an earpiece tucked in his left ear. Obviously, connected to the one Dazai had. That mackeral had gotten himself captured by the Barbaric Beasts. 

It hadn't been the first time he had done this, nor did Chuuya not believe in Dazai's capability to handle himself in situations, it's just that...Chuuya...cares for him? Honestly, there is this unshakable, indescribable feeling he has when it comes to Dazai. The fact that Dazai has a tendency to be so clingy doesn't help either, some sort of warmth comes to his cheeks whenever that mackeral touches him or flirts around. And then there is this weird anger type of feeling when he talks about women. Chuuya doesn't get it all. It's...something.... It's something Chuuya likes, to say the least. 

" Heeeey! It's Chuuya! You're in the range of enemy fire. Take some bullets and die, thanks! " Dazai beamed in the earpiece. Chuuya's face scrunched up.  

An electric ability of some sort was compressed into electric-balls and aimed at Chuuya by it's user. Chuuya excellently dodged all the attacks and glanced towards the source of the ability. A man was standing on top of the building wear a white robe- head to toe. His ability surrounded him as he stretched his arms to launch another attack. Chuuya propelled his bike forward, moving even faster, if that was possible. "Damn gifted.", he whispers to himself. 

The electric ability spread throughout the desolate area which was filled with bodies of civillians and low-level mafia members. A car was blown up, followed by every other near Chuuya. Chuuya expertly used his ability to make him along with his bike hover in the air as he moved to drive on the wall of a building. He thinks he's the shit. Chuuya thinks.

Electricity follows Chuuya's path and catches up to him. Chuuya makes him motorbike jump and lands on a tin roof, never slowing down a bit, Chuuya accelerates towards the building the ability user was situated at and he activates his ability to once again drive vertically on the building. He drives upwards as he finally jumps unto the roof. He hits the brakes to face the ability-user. Lightning aims at him as soon as his bike is halfway turned and leads to an explosion. Black fog engulfs the area as chunks of concrete fly out. 

The building rooftop was rather a wide one. " It would have been more amusing if you'd been struck by lightning and killed" Dazai, who was sitted on the floor with a gun poised at the back of his head speaks. 

The fog lifts all of a sudden, revealing the confident posture of Chuuya, and also a body to the right of him laying motionless on the floor. "Shut it, Dazai." 

"You're five minutes late." Dazai says as he gives a backward kick to the man behind him and then backflips to face forward. He stands and walks towards Chuuya as he continues, " Because of that, I got smacked three more times than I needed to."

Of course that happened. Why wouldn't the bastard go one mission without getting his damn self get caught by an enemy organization? Gosh. He makes Chuuya worried and neither Dazai nor Chuuya are aware of that fact. Despite what Chuuya feels he says, " I might as well finish you off."

"I am not the one you need to kill." Dazai states as he moves his hands up. He snaps his fingers and the handcuffs that bound him become uncuffed and fall towards the ground. 

Hah. Chuuya knew that. And even if was forced to, he wouldn't be able to kill Dazai.. There was just no way. Even Mori knew of the protective nature they had for each other. Despite their fights and bickering, there were unspoken words that only the two of them could understand. They had their own secret codes, and they trusted each other a lot, so much that either one could risk his life to save another. There was just no way that either of them could even try to kill the other. 

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