first meeting (chapter 1)

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Deku being pulled into a portal after his final battle with all for one as he's resting he is dropped into a world that seemed to be back in time before technology and quirks. As Deku stands he looks up to see a woman infront of him who has long blond hair and a red dress ball gown style dress. She looks down at him with a glare.

"Your very brave coming in here." She says her voice icy as she stared at him. Deku looking at her with a curious look.

"What do you mean I'm brave?" Deku says annoyed as the woman shakes her head.

"This is the Empress's garden nobles such as yourself need my permission to be here!" The woman said before a bird landed on her shoulder with purple eyes and blond colored feathers.

"Sceeeachhhhh!" The bird said the lady tapped it on the head telling it to go back to the room. The bird not happy fly's away before looking back sticking it's tongue out.

"Don't worry about him." She said before looking back. "I am Empress of the Western kingdoms Naviar." Holding her hand out Deku took it placing a kiss on her hand when the bird in a tree started screeching again. Naviar looked at the bird shooting dangers causing it to fly off.

"I am Deku of UA your Highness." Deku said scratching his head while looking around.

"That's a strange name I have never heard of your family." Naviar said raising and eyebrow. "Do you have somewhere to stay Sir UA?"

"Not at the moment." Deku said shifting his feet. Naviar looking at the boy before turning around waving for him to follow her. As they walked Naviar looked at the boy trying to figure out why he had such strange clothes on not to mention they were torn. Had he been in a fight she thought as they entered the green house. Henry who was waiting for her ran up to his wife hugging her tightly looking at Deku with an evil glare.

"Darling who is this?" He asked annoyance in his voice.

"My new body guard." Naviar's voice calm. As Deku looked up in surprise at what the Empress had said before she turned to him. "Well I'll show you to your quarters." Walking away as Henry followed behind them waking to a room Naviar showed Deku where he would sleep and when to meet her in the morning.

"Thank you Miss." Deku said as he sat on the bed. Henry angered at how he addressed Naviar walking to him before he was stopped by the Empress.

"Please have a goodnight we will talk more tomorrow." Naviar said pushing her husband out into the hall. Henry looking at her confused. "I have a feeling he's not from out world." As they walked to their room to speak more on the subject. With Deku who was in his room he used blackwhip as it appeared he thought.

"Ok my quirk still works in this world but how an I'm going to get home?" He thought as he walked around the room. "I was pulled through some portal by All for one this must have been his last attempt to get ride of One for all." As he placed a knock came at the door. He walked up to see a young lady holding a tray which had some food on it.

"The Empress sent this to you please enjoy." She said handing him the tray before walking off. As Deku ate he started to miss home worried about the others when another knock came to the door this time it was a male servant who handed him some clothes telling him to change out of his wretched outfit as he took the clothes he was seething with anger at the last comment. Deku changing his clothes noticed that he had a black jacket with a green undershirt and light pants. looking at the outfit he didn't look half bad. He took off the outfit jumping into bed as he drifted off to sleep.

(Wit Naviar and Henry)

"How do you know you can trust him my Queen?" Henry whined laying his head in Naviar's lap. Stroking his hair.

"I don't but I want to give him a chance." She said planting a kiss on his head. "I'm planning to ask him more tomorrow over tea and maybe some biscuits." As she stood to walk a maid came in asking her who has to watch the boy.

"No one a guard is stationed close to him." He said annoyed with her. Naviar looking at him annoyed shook her head.

"It's alright just sleep." She said as the maid left as they got into bed they cuddles as they drifted off into sleep a portal opened again but this time in the middle of town. Falling out the hole was Pony and Uraraka. As the girls looked around trying to find out where they were.

"We need to find Deku." Pony said as she followed Uraraka

"I know Pony." She said grabbing her pulling her into an ally as some guards walked by. "But first we need to find out where he is." Once the guards passed by they continued moving until someone stopped them she had brown hair and blue eyes she was wearing a hood as.

"Are you lost?" She asked as the girls looked at her with caution before answering.

"We're looking for our friend." They said looking at the woman.

"I might be able to help, but only if you help me." She said." I'm Kris." She said holding out her hands to the girls as they shook her hands she led the girls back to her carriage.

"Thank you Miss." Said Uraraka as she and Pony sat down. The woman looked at her strange before speaking.

"Just call me Lady Kris and I'm guessing your commoners?" Kris said looking at them. Uraraka looked at her a little annoyed.

"We're not from around here." Pony cut in before she could speak. As they road to the castle Kris asked them a bunch of questions which the girls answered hesitantly.

"Oh silly me I forgot to ask your names." Kris said hand on her mouth.

"I'm Ura." Said Uraraka quickly

"I'm Pon." Pony said hesitation in her voice. Kris's looked at them both before looking out the window. As the arrived a man meet them outside.

"Lady Kris welcome back how was your trip?" The man said bowing as the girls exited the carriage.

"It went fine." She said in a bland tone as they walked into the gates Kris speaking to a servant as she took off she turned her head to the girls "I'm not sure where your from but we need you girls to blend in to find your friend." As the confused walking the entered the Annex where she had servants show the girls to the room they were staying. As Oraraka and Pony entered the room a woman wearing glasses walked in holding to outfits one was pink the other yellow.

"Here put theses on." She said as she through the clothes at the girls before storming out as they got changed for bed they hide their costume under their mattress before laying down for bed.


I hope you all enjoy this story I will work on this when I am free lots of love Rosegard out

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