The next day(chapter 2)

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As everyone woke up Deku was summoned to the Empress for his first duty. As he walked to the green house he was surprised to see tea and biscuits Empress Naviar waved him to have a seat.

"I want to know where you come from Sir UA." She said sipping tea staring at the young boy infront of her as Deku shifted nervously before looking at the Empress.

"I am not from this world." He said looking away. Naviar placing her glass down looked at him.

"I kinda guess this." She said as she placed her hand in her lap." My question is how you got here?" As she looked at the boy a guard walked up whispering in her ear. Her eyes widen before she shoed the guard away.

"My Lady is everything ok?" Deku asked eating a cookie he had already taken a bite out of looking at her. She looked over to him before speaking

"Did you come through a portal?" She asked concerned. Deku nodded. " We're you summoned here or did someone make you come here cause it seems that a portal had opened in the middle of the town last night." Her hand on her chin as she tapped her foot.

"I believe someone made me come here my lady." Deku said his mouth full of more cookies smiling. "These cookies are really good your majesty!" Naviar looked at the boy when a bird showed up tapping ok the window.

"Queen go back to Henry's office." Naviar said looking at the bird. As he flew off she shook her head. "Don't mind him." As she looked back across the table Deku had eaten all the cookies on the table. Naviar laughing a little at the sight made Deku blush.

"Sorry your majesty they were really good." He said smiling like a child before Naviar stood up hugging him. Deku starting to cry making Naviar back away before looking at him.

"I'm sorry did I offend you?" Naviar said I'm a soft tone as Deku shook his head.

"No you just remind me of my mom before she passed." He said wiping his tears before giving halfhearted smile. When a portal opened up behind him and a young girl with a horn ran out yelling his name.

"Brother Deku!!!" She yelled running and jumping into his arms crying. "I missed you!" As she snuggled into his chest. Naviar looking at the two noticing the girl had wounds.

"We need to get her treated it could get infected." Naviar said yelling for a guard to fetch the royal physician. As the man ran into the room her looked at the Empress confused before seeing the little girl. As he inspected her the girl jumped away hiding behind Deku.

"It's ok Eri." He said planting a hand ok her shoulder before scooping her up as the doctor looked at the cuts and bruises he put an ointment on along with some bandages.

"This should be better in a few days." The man said. waking out bowing to the Empress Naviar walking up to the kids looked at them before talking.

"Is she your sister?" She asked looking at Deku who nodded in response. Bending down to Err's high "would you like a dress like mine?" Eri nodding excited. She looked to Deku who stood up carrying Eri walking behind the Empress. As they reached the main steps a carriage awaited them.

"Are you a princess?" Eri asked looking at Naviar.

"I am more than a princess, I am the Empress of the Western kingdom." She said sweetly as they entered the carriage. Queen rode on the top not noticing the little girl inside. As they arrived at the boutique Queen hoped down waiting for Naviar to exit when he noticed the little girl his eyes widened before he jumped to her shoulder nuzzling her when Naviar looked at him.

"I told you to go home Queen." She said sternly as Queen looked up Eri turned to Naviar.

"Can the pretty Birdy stay with us?" She asked sweetly her hands lon her cheek. Naviar's expression melting as she agreed. As they entered a woman approached them asking what they would like as Naviar explained the lady smiled bringing out a book handing it to Eri.

"Look through here miss anything you would like just let me know." She said excitedly as Eri looked she pointed to a dress with a bow tied around the waist that had a flower design on the bottom of the skirt. " I'll get that right for you!" As the woman hurried off Naviar looked to Deku.

"Is their anything you would like?" She asked as Queen continued to nuzzle the little girl cooing. Deku nodded pointing to another design that matched the dress Eri picked. As the consultant came back holding the dress Naviar took Queen out of Eric's lap causing him to look at her. Eir walked out in a sliver dress with a red sash around the waist and roses on the bottom of the dress as she spun around smiling cashing Queen to squeak I'm excitement as he moved to Naviar's shoulder poking her lightly with his beak. Next was Deku who wore a red suit that had a sliver sash around the east and blue roses along the top. As they paid Eri smiled thanking her. As they headed back they stopped at a candy store before returning. As they entered Eri looked around for Queen who disappeared, when Henry ran up his eyes fully of life as he hugged Naviar.

"My queen can we speak really quick?" He said excitedly as he pulled the Empress into an empty chamber. Eri and Deku we're escorted to the back side of the garden that had chairs and sets along with sweets for them. As they ate and talked someone came up behind them asking what they were doing. The woman pursed her lips in disgust as she stared down them down. Her hair was a grayish blond with green eyes.

"The Empress said we could be here." Eri said reaching for a piece of cake before the woman slapped it out her hands.

"I doubt that she's a cold hearted individual." The woman said looking down her nose at the two before a man with blue hair walked up.

"What do you think your doing Empress Ratasha!" He said in a loud tone. As Ratasha turned to look at him.

"Sir McKenna I believe you let rats into your home." She said I'm a snobby voices.

"They are guest of this palace by both the Empress and Emperor, you should still be respectful." McKenna said as Ratasha rolled her eyes she stormed off complaining about not finding Sovieshu. As McKenna introduced himself Queen appeared cuddling his head into Eri making him jump and glaring at the bird.

(On the other side of the palace Kris we writing and having tea)

As a guard walked around Uraraka and Pony we're sitting infront of Kris as she showed them how to hold a tea cup.

"Is they any news of our friend?" Ura said looking at Kris who sat her cup down.

"No I'm sorry my dear, I have a friend I want you to meet though." As Kris said this a woman walked up. "This Empress Ratasha she is here visiting me." As Ratasha sat down she started to sip at her tea looking at the two girls.

"So theses are you two lady's in waiting you just found?" Ratasha asked as she looked at the suspicious before turning back to Kris.

"Yes this is Ura and Pon, please girls say Hello to my friend." Kris said waving her at to Ratasha as the girls bowed and said greetings to her.

"You've trained them well your Highness." Ratasha said giggling. Kris looking up explained how they were on the street and she brought them in for food and shelter. The girls biting their tongues continued to sip the tea which was bitter. Ratasha looking back at the girls. "Be lucky that she found you and not that rotten Empress." Venom in her voice as she gripped her cup. The girls looked at her then back to Kris.

"I will explain more later." She said as they continue tea. Ratasha mentioning the peasants that Naviar allowed into the palace making Kris raise an eyebrow as they continue until night fall where the girls returned to their room exhausted after today's events. We head back into Naviar's and Henry's room...


Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter with lots of love peace out - Rosengard

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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