Chapter 3: Early Manifestations

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From that particular moment that occurred to the founder on May 1947, also the day of the eclipse of the sun, he went on to explain how he felt different. 1947 from 1909 is about 38 years, he certainly was well aware of himself as a man and spiritual being. He quickly identified that his spirit was different (inspired, revived like never before, awakened). He went on to stay in the forest for three months where he ate honey from a tree with bees and drank water by the side stream (section 19), mainly because he couldn't leave that area, due to the incident with the paddler that brought him to that forest. The paddler ate his food and lied about it and this gave him a stomach ache until the founder prayed for him; after that, the paddler was afraid and went away from him, leaving the founder with the boat and no paddling skills(section 17 C.C.C constitution). We understand here that the paddler incident of trying to cheat an anointed of God resulted in him being sick; yes, no one can cheat Gods elect (psalm 105:15), if they get away with it, God who knows us will turn it all around for our better in the future; like in that incident it was the paddler that confessed that he ate the food thus the illness, so we are to leave everything for God, our Fighter, vengeance is mine says the Lord(Romans12:19).
In the forest, the founder saw many visions, experiencing many changes in him, seeing various animals singing. In the midst of all this, he prayed earnestly(section 19); the comparison here to the garden of Eden and a new life in Christ's world, where you have dominion over nature, is politely seen in the months with the animals singing around in the forest. Surly we as Christians must go through the wilderness before getting to the promised land. Many Christians want to see the life of Christ without consecration or persecution.
Many Christians cannot stand to punish their flesh for a new inspiration. In this times compared to several years ago, we see that people tend not to seek God or are not willing to suffer to seek God. We must understand that we are coming from an Adamic nature and to be born again(John3:3), our minds must be reborn and this won't happen if you don't suffer the adamic nature till it dies completely (Philippians3:20,21)especially when the spirits inspires you to a fast or a vigil or any charity work most importantly. In the book of exodus, God almighty through Moses took the people of Israel on a longer path to get to the promised land because they were not ready to face the nations which possessed the land they were to possess(Exodus13:17-22). Hence to posses your possession you must go through the wilderness to learn to stand strong when you finally possess it. The Israelites spent forty years, though most of them never made it to the promised land except their younger generations, because the old generation pushed God with their unbelief and murmuring (Numbers14:34). Moses also didn't make it to the promised land physically, but after spending a hundred and twenty years, he was at peace with himself, telling the children of Israel to keep going and choose life and blessing them(Deuteronomy30:19,20). We then understand that the garden of Eden is now from inside out. Sometimes we might not get the desired outside result we want from life, but we as Christians should feel at peace in whatever situation. Paul felt at peace writing letters to the churches at times from prison. Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, filled with the Holy Spirit, was led to the wilderness that 40 days, and after that His ministry really began for 3 years. In the heavens, according to revelation 5, the blood of the slain lamb represents Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Therefore, being God coming as man to suffer for man, is also a wilderness, in-order for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior to ascend to the right hand of God for our sake he also went through the whole wilderness of life carrying all
our burden of sin and being the sacrifice of sin, for the glory to be attained. We then can understand that 38 years of the founder's life prior to the 3 months of unplanned consecration with prayers released him to receive the grace of Luli. According to Ezekiel 36:26, Jeremiah 31:33 and we must have our heart changed, our heart of stone replaced with the heart of God. A work in the wilderness brings your heart to change. Some Christians understand this as baptism by fire.
After three months, the founder wandered around for an exit and then met a man who showed him the nearby village. The founder went to the village, saw a lot of kids and prayed with them before returning to the forest. It would mean that this particular village he wandered into didn't have the exit he was looking for, but he was able to confidently pray with them in the village. As Christians, after we have received the grace of Jesus, which is power, we are confident of the gospel, prayer and our walk with Jesus, no matter the circumstances. A Christian afraid or ashamed to pray is not a Christian born again; let's take note here, the founder was still a ebony trader, he had not founded or thought of a church, he only indicated he was always with his Bible whenever going to fetch wood. You shouldn't be a pastor before you can pray aloud confidently. This is your right as a child of God.
The founder wandered to another exit and came across another village, wandering from village to village before he found a canoe tied near a stream well into the forest (section 20)
He entered the canoe and in full flood, flowed to Agange, where he met a man at the point of death who was very ill for a long time. The founder touched him and Jesus raised him up (section21). We have been given power to heal the sick and raise the dead(Mathew10:8), the grace 'Luli' released to the founder changed his way of thought and his gift of faith was multiplied. Suddenly, a man trading ebony is full of confidence to pray for people. Luli gives you the power to know who you are and what to do with who you are in every circumstance. Not by your own power but by your faith in Jesus' finished work, let us always keep it in mind that the founder was always with his Bible, so his relationship or hunger for Christ cannot be questioned.(section21)
After a few days in the forest again, the people of the community wondered what kind of man he was and desired to follow him to his church and he made it clear to them that he did not have a church(section 22), though the people didn't listen, he continued praying with and for them. The news of what happening in that community had already reached his home and relations and Port Novo. The founder received the grace 'Luli', not a church. As a celestial, you are a heavenly being. You, singularly, are first a celestial. The church was given to bring more fruits, and as you have joined a celestial church you should achieve being a true celestial yourself, in miracles and testimonies of Christ in your life, your family, your work and the environment.
The manifestations continued when he returned home, finding out how curious people were to see him again, having heard about what happened to him and miracles of healing. After three days, we see another miracle. The founder's elder sister's son had died, on going to see her, found native doctors who tried and failed to bring the son back, but in the name of Jesus , the founder touched the deceased and he came back to life, receiving the gift of prophesy immediately becoming the first prophet of the church, his sister also followed him from that point. The founder still had no church or, at this point, didn't try to intentionally gather people. He paid a visit to a loved one and found the loved one dead and, out of love with this particular deceased, a miracle was initiated. We see grace at work again when the boy who just came from the dead became a prophet. This gift he received not by works he did, but by grace to fulfill the ultimate plan of God.
In Celestial today, let us all understand that we are all called by God to follow him, we can't desire God if he doesn't inspire us to. We all found ourselves in a celestial church with various gifts of the Holy Spirit, not by our power or ability or our knowledge, but by his grace Luli. For those God knew, he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters and those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified(Romans8:29,30). It's not how long you've been in the church or how well, these gifts are given to the Celestial to beautify their work with Christ, it's a gift not wages, so it's totally not by works, but by grace. We as celestial members gifted with gifts must see this gift as a call, because that's what it is and we should work to grow with Jesus with it, knowing that He wants us to use this gift for His glory, not our glory or selfish ambition, but for the edifying of the church(1Corithians12:11).