To be insane is sane

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To the unknown

I have grown

To perceive light

Through this endless fight

Again, I drown

Hoping to be found

By the warmth of the Sun

And the guidance of the Moon

I myself should try 

To let go and cry

To recollect what is sane

To swim above my pain

There's a constant worry

Of never being happy

But what is joy?

And do we have a choice?

Or does our broken souls

Need complex tools

To fix what is "defective"

Like a corrupted detective 

Soon, I realize

All of this wasted time

Trying to fix a broken mind

Instead of fixing a society of crime

To be insane now

To be put in a gown now

Perhaps we aren't the issue

But symptoms of those causing this truth

Perhaps we are sane 

Stuck in a vicious game

Where the Earth is crumbling

And humans are starving

Is our valid fear

A mere reflection in the mirror

Of the unfairness

of our individualism's loneliness 

And of  this capitalistic 

World of tragedy?

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