9-Late night, small talk

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You followed Tomura outside to a nearby corner store. And despite you telling him you were fine but he insisted you needed to eat something and have some water.

You watched in open curiosity as the snowy-haired villain slipped multiple snacks into the basket. You noticed he picked out similar items you bought him earlier, a variety of candy bars and instant ramen minus the two-dollar energy drink. Instead, he replaced it with a water bottle, ignoring your soft pleads. You already had alcohol tonight, he was not about to give you a caffeinated drink as well.

When you both reached the cash register, you quickly took out some cash to pay but Tomura moved quicker. He took a 10,000 yen, handing it to the lady behind the counter. The small act caught you by surprise, you weren't expecting him to pay. After all, he was buying all of this cause of you.

You were about to offer to sit by the pavement, but Tomura quickly insisted on going someplace else, and you were feeling too sick to argue, so you followed him down the streets, away from the club noise, and into the night air.

"Tomura, I'm tired." You mumbled, rubbing your eyes as you walked a few steps behind him, "How much longer til we get there?"

This was your second time calling him by his name, and for some reason that caught him off guard more than your usual nicknames for him. He noticed it was the moments where you were oblivious that his name slipped, and he liked it.

"What kind of hero are you? Can't stand a little bit of walking?" He scoffed, slowing his stride just enough for you to catch up but wouldn't notice, "We're almost there."

It was a Friday night, so the streets and sidewalks were busier than ever.  You and Tomura passed through crowds of people, eventually leaving behind the bright loud city and entering a more quiet secluded area. You reached the top of mound, it looked like a man-made hillslide. It seemed like at some point they were going to do some construction around there but gave up. It was too bad really, because it held a beautiful view. One of the whole city and night life beneath you.

"Wow." You breathed, "It's gorgeous."

A half smile curled Tomura's lip that didn't reach your eyes, he was glad you liked it as much as him, "Yeah, you almost missed it with all your whining and complaining." He said as he helped you balance as you walked. You really needed to eat before drinking next time, cause this was utterly embarrassing for you.

He then sat down, placing the plastic bag with goodies next to him. You followed, sitting next to him, with little to no space inbetween you both.

Tomura took a water bottle, carefully opening up for you making sure his pinky stayed out of the way.

"Do you want ramen?" He asked as he handed the cool bottle to you, "Or rice crackers?"

You scrunched your nose, not wanting any savory stuff right now, "Neither, can I get the pocky?"

He squinted at you, half to get your vision to focus and half to glare at you, "You can have that afterwards, you should have something with more nutritional value."

"Oh yeah, cause ramen and rice crackers are just packed with nutritional content." You laughed.

"Here, what about an Onigiri. There's one with tuna mayo and another with grilled Salmon Flakes." He insited, as he rummaged through the bag for other options. He ended up buying much mroe food than what you needed, but he couldn't help himself, a part of him freaked out when he saw you dizzy at the club.

"Fine.. I'll take a few bites of the grilled salmon flakes." You muttered half convincently.

Tomura smiled momentarily before opening the package and handing it to you, "Take slow bites and drink water."

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