Chapter 17: I'm Going To Take a Break

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-time skip to meeting up at school*

Everyone is huddled together talking, waiting to see if me and Marinette, mostly me, show up today.

Rose: "Do you really think she is going to show up to school today?"

Alix: "Do you even know Y/n? That girl loves school."

Kim: "Yeah, no accident is going to take that from her."

Mylene: "I just hope she is fine and doesn't stress herself out."

Max: "If the miraculous ladybug did in fact fix everything, there is a 98% chance that Y/n will be showing up to school today."

*I pull Marinette by the hand and motion for her to be quiet, we both sneak up on the group*

Y/N: "Who are you guys talking about over here?"

Rose: "Y/N! You came!"

I showed everyone a huge smile while letting out a small giggle

Marinette: "Did you really think she would stay away?"

Before anyone could say anything Adrien rushes over and hugs me tightly leaving me shocked at his show of emotions. He holds me for what feels like hours while squeezing me ever so tightly as time goes on. I can feel his heart beating fast. I hug him back, embracing him, but when he doesn't let go, I shoot a curious look over at Mari who has a smirk on her face. He finally pulls back and looks into my eyes, and for a second, I swear I could see a glimpse of my kitty cat looking back. After everyone stares at each other a little awkwardly Rose finally jumps up and hugs me, leaving everyone to join in.

Alya: "I'm so sorry, it was all my fault! If Ladybugs miraculous ladybug didn't fix you, I would've never forgiven myself. I don't even forgive myself now."

Y/N: "Well that's a shame. Because I forgive you. I never actually even blamed you. You just need to pay more attention to your surroundings. I'm fine and that's all that matters. There is no need to feel bad."

Nino: "I'm glad you're alright Y/n."

~bell rings~

Adrien was all over me today. Not in an uncomfortable way, but he was way closer to me than he normally sits, I caught him staring at me repeatedly throughout the day, which caused him to miss his work.

Adrien: "Y/n, will you be coming over today to help me with all the work from today?"

Y/N: "Of course, but you know. If you would have actually paid attention to the teachers instead on me you wouldn't need any help."

Adrien: "I'm not going to apologize for watching you."

-schools over-

As we approached his house I saw Nathalie already waiting by the door for us. When I approach her she gives me a light hug, "I'm glad you are fine Y/n." she says very dreary with a sad face. I know she was worried about me. When I walked inside I was met with Gabriel standing in front of me, he holds out his arms weirdly and I assume he is trying to give me a hug like Nathalie did. "I'm glad to see you are doing well." He says very monotone but you can see guilt? In his eyes.

Nathalie: "Okay, you two can go up to Adriens room now."

We both go to his room. "That was weird, he never gives anyone hugs. Not even me." Adrien says while staring at me completely confused. "I guess he cares more about me than we even thought. And I'm sorry honeybun, you know if you ever want a hug, all you have to do is ask." I tell him while grabbing him and giving him a deep hug, him returning it back and relaxing.

Nathalie: "Sir, that was a close one."

Gabriel: "I know, I almost got Y/n killed. I don't want Adrien to have to go through losing his mother and her."

Nathalie: "So what are you going to do?"

Gabriel: "I'm going to take a break."

661 Words

I'm going to try and add more tomorrow, well write more tomorrow. I'll probably end up uploading it Thursday or later.

October 3, 2023

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