Chapter 4: From Most Oblivious Crush To Most Biggest Fanboy

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Adrien gripped onto a blushing Marinette's shoulders. It mattered a lot to her. He looked her in the eyes with such care and meaning on his face. Things have been changing, especially since that night with Mayura.

One of them being Cat Noir being more cooperative. He still keeps his jokes, but he tells her that he's been seeing a joke writer recently.

Then there's Adrien Agreste. Marinette would see the Model expressing so much of how he seems to feel about her. For example, right after a fight or a patrol:

"Hey, you're important to me. I have so much trust and respect for you." he said.

"Uh, A-A-Adrien, while I a-appreciate it,"Marinette stuttered, then asked, "y-you do know you a-already told me that t-ten minutes ago, r-r-right?"

Adrien then closed his eyes as he smiled confidently. The girl then flushed as she heard his answer:

"I know!"


And all patrols, whenever Ladybug's fighting enemies, she could always hear Cat Noir encouraging her whenever she doubted herself. And for another example, there was a time when an akuma carrying a sword was locked onto Cat Noir's staff:

"You're doing great!" Cat Noir encouraged, "Kick their butt! You can do it! So proud of you! You're the best!"


And after saving Adrien one time was quite confusing for Ladybug, but it was very happy too. Ladybug held her crush bridal style.

"Thanks for the save!" He said, "I bet Cat Noir really appreciates you."

"Uh...thanks." replied Ladybug, "He's actually been letting me know that more recently."


But one of the most heartwarming (and embarrassing) things Adrien has ever done about Marinette was in school. The Model pointed at the board he had made with pride.

Marinette Is Our Everyday Ladybug And Here's Why:

-She's dependable and devoted

-She can sometimes be clumsy, but it's super adorable

-Has creativity

-Can bake many of the best kinds of croissants in all of Paris

-There a lot more reasons to be honest

"In conclusion, that's why Marinette is not only our Everyday Ladybug..." said Marinette, "...but is also an awesome, capable hero on her own."

Ms. Bustier stared at her, amazed and confused. He was really supposed to be giving them a book report.

Adrien couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Marinette holding onto her chest with two hands. She looked teary-eyed, her heart not being able to take on too much more love and care any longer. Alya looked to her best friend in concern.

"Girl, you okay?" she asked.


As for the side of Cat Noir, Ladybug couldn't help but blush at the site of her partner the next day.

"What are you wearing?" asked Ladybug, smirking.

He wore a red hoodie with a bunch of black spots all over the chest. A cap was over his head, sharing the ladybug-like logo, but had two fake antennas attached to it. And it was all in her theme.

"See?" asked Cat Noir joyfully, opening up his arms, "I'm your biggest fan and best partner!"

"While you never ceased t show me that, Kitty," said Ladybug, "you don't have to prove anything to me. I know you care about me, okay?"

Her Kitty then looked away shruggish, smiling as he crossed his arms.

"I know..." said Cat Noir, "...I guess I'm just trying to make up to you or that..."

"Aw, my Kitty." said Ladybug.

Cat Noir then all of a sudden began to take off the cap, confusing his partner.

"But, hey if you're telling me I don't have to wear this anymore," he started, "I'm more than happy to take it off for you."

"Wait!" Ladybug pleaded, shouting like a fanboy, "Keep it on a little longer. Can I at least get a picture of you in it?"

The cat-themed superhero then placed the cap back on his head.

"Sure." she said, "Anything for My Lady."

"Yay!" Ladybug yelled in joy.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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