Chapter 3: A Knight's Promised Visit

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Marinette smiled as she walked back home after that whole conversation. Alya, Nino, and Adrien all followed her home.

Nino stared and typed on his phone for a long time, he was so amazed that no one paid any attention to him, good thing that's what he needed anyway to surprise them.

"Just a bit of this..." Nino mumbled, "...and a bit of that...aaaaaand...posted!"

"What's got you all excited about?" asked Adrien.

He put an arm around his best friend's shoulder, showing his inner interest. Nino smirked and turned to the Model.

"I just made this!" Nino replied.

He then shoved the phone close to Adrien's face. And there he saw a picture of Nino seemingly wearing Cat Noir's suit, holding a computer in his lap. Adrien smiled at it.

"What is that?" asked Alya, seeing the picture.

According to Nino, it was supposed to be the profile for his newest podcast series which he released sometime during lunch break, which basically explained his disappearance for the time being.

It was supposed to be called, "The Noirist." It's sort of the Ladyblog, however, it's more of a podcast. And literally judging by its name, it's more based on Cat Noir. He explained that the first episode was obviously based earlier today with the encounter with Cat Noir himself.

Alya was amazed that her boyfriend actually put together his own kind of thing. Marinette was entirely happy for Nino. 

Adrien's face that obviously no one can match. He had never looked so happy about his alter ego.  If only he knew that he was supporting his very best friend: Adrien Agreste.

"I figured the dude needed at least some support." said Nino.

"I'm glad you're doing it." Adrien said, "Especially today, I think he needed it."

"Yep." said Alya.

"Including friendship." Marinette added.


Marinette secretly prepared the batch of croissants and cookies. For the first time in forever, she just couldn't wait for Cat Noir to show up on her balcony. Tikki was enjoying her own batch of sweets.

"So what's happened today so far, Marinette?" asked Tikki.

"Well, Chloe was smack-talking about Cat Noir." said Marinette, "And I started defending him, and the boy in black himself appeared and we pretty much defeated Chloe for the day."

"That's amazing Marinette!"

"And now, he's coming to visit me. tonight"

As if straight on cue, a thud sounded on the roof. Marinette encouraged Tikki to fly and hide. Marinette then happily walked up to the balcony. Cat Noir wasn't sighted, curiously, Marinette walked out completely and went to the railing.

"Hello, Princess!" said a voice.

Marinette turned behind her just barely seeing a dark figure jump out of sight. The baker smiled then turned to see Cat Noir sitting on the railing.

"Hello." she said.

"H-Hello, Mari." said Cat Noir.

The girl then spotted the cat-themed hero's apparent blush on his cheeks. She almost blushed herself. And a string theory formed in her mind, was Cat Noir...developing a crush on her? Cat Noir then took out a bouquet of flowers with a sheepish smile on his face.

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