In trouble

103 2 7

Douka and akaza get caught by kokushibou who over heard there little session and told Muzan about it (what a bitch 🙄)

Anyways let's start😘

**kokushibous pov**

I heard loud banging coming from Doumas room like 10 minutes ago so now I'm on my way to check it out. I open the door slightly so I don't get noticed and I saw akaza butt naked laying on the bed breathing heavily and douma looking like he just had the time of he's life. I went to muzans room to tell him what happened. "Lord Muzan may I enter" "enter" Muzan said with a annoyed but calm tone "what is it do you want kokushibou I'm busy" *after telling Muzan what happened like a little snitch like he is *

**muzans pov**

How dare two of my upper moons do them sorts of activities then do what I tell them to do (selfish bitch anyways) I send a little message to them letting them know I need to have a word with them. "Thank you kokushibou for letting me know about there disgusting actions with each other" kokushibou left the room and I cleaned up my paperwork.

**akazas pov**

I quickly grabbed my clothes to find them ripped in half u turn to douma with a annoyed face "what the fuck douma" "well I didn't want you to leave so quickly after our little fun time but you didn't so I guess I didn't need to but I did hehe sorry" I roll my eyes and went to find something else to wear. I searched throw all of Doumas old clothes that he doesn't wear anymore "why the hell are all your clothes so big ?" "why are you so short~?" I threw a coathanger at his face "oww what was that for" "you know what the was for now just shut up"I grabbed a the smallest thing that was in there which was a old kimono. I put it on and it was still to big for me.

**Doumas pov**

Akaza was wearing one of my old kimonos and I couldn't help but laugh to how big it is on him. Akaza then ripped my head off and threw it across the room. As I connected my head back onto my body we were summoned to muzans room "oh good morning lord muzan how have you been" I did a fake smile because i really didn't want to be here.

After Muzan told them about him know (I'm way to fucking lazy to write it)

**third person**

It was very clear akaza was very embarrassed, and flustered. Douma wasn't phased about being called out and yelled at about it but felt a little bad for akaza. Muzan kept yelling at them for hours.

**doumas pov**
Akaza and I where summoned back to my room. Akaza stayed silent the entire time and refused to look at me "come on akaza~dono you can't ignore me forever" I kept grabbing tight on akazas shoulders shaking him slightly to make him at least hit me but he didn't. "AKAZA~DONO!" I kept whining out his name to maybe get a rise out of him but it didn't work.

**akazas pov**
Douma kept on annoying me but I didn't want to look at him one after what we did and two after getting yelled out about it. Douma then grips onto my waist and starts to remove my pants. I turns my head towards him quickly and punched his face "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!?" "Yay you payed attention to me finally~" I roll my eyes and went back to ignoring him. Douma raped his arms around my waist carrying me over to the bed he sat down placing me on his lap. He hugged me from behind.

**doumas pov**
Honestly I'm surprised that akaza let me hug him from behind but he's still not facing me or talking to me. At this point I don't know what to do other than something sexual but he's mad at me because of them type of stuff. "Akaza~dono" "what."  "I'm feeling kinda tired is it ok if I hug you as I sleep" "hmmm" "I'll take that as a yes". I lay down hugging Akaza tightly and falls asleep

**akazas pov**
I turned over to face douma as he sleeps to be more comfortable. I start to feel a little tired as well
I give douma a kiss on the forehead then falls asleep*


After I don't know just later


**doumas pov**

I wake up to see akaza hugging me. Aww he was so cute~ "akaza~dono can you wake up" akaza groaned
And stayed alseep
I gave him a little kiss on the cheek

**third person**
Douma got up and went a shower.
Akaza woke up a couple minutes after he went into the shower. Akaza walked to the book shelf to see if there's something to read. He saw a book about Positions "what's this about" Akaza opened the the book to see sex positions
Akaza swiped throw the pages in shock wondering why douma had that book (it's douma why are you so surprised 🙄)
Akaza got a little horny thinking about the positions he could do he heard the shower turn off
Akaza put the book back to where it was and sat back down on the bed making it look like he just got up

**doumas pov**
I walked out of the bathroom with my towel around my waist and wet hair
I turned to akaza that was a blushed mess "why are you blushing so much akaza~dono?" "u-umm just was really hot when I was sleeping" "oh ok well I just hoped out of the shower and my body is pretty cold would that help" "y-yea sure that would be nice..."

**akazas pov**
Douma hugged me and well he wasn't wrong it was really cold "hmmm~" douma smiled and patted my back "you seem very hot akaza why are you burning up so much?" "Umm well ahh..." I was distracted by being squished into Doumas chest "akaza~dono? Are you alright?" I nod my head gently

**doumas pov**
Akaza was blushing a lot and also sweating a lot was he sick no that can't be it demons don't get sick "akaza~dono are you sure your ok are you stressed about something?" "N-no I'm good" "why do you keep stuttering?" Akaza leans over towards my ear "well I saw that book about sex positions on the bookshelf and well you know..." after hearing that I was honestly surprised Akaza would think of those things and with me.


Yea so I'm going to leave it with a cliff hanger and probably won't write the next part for a long tim this is the longest story I have ever written

*1143 words*

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