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Summer's Lookalike: You four know why you're here, right?

Basil: Uhh... no?

Firey Jr: Is it because we're the married couples?

Summer's Lookalike: Yes.

Summer's Lookalike: You all can have the one thing I want.

Midnight: Love?

Summer's Lookalike: Not what I was thinking, but yeah-

Summer: A baby?

Summer's Lookalike:

Summer's Lookalike: Yes.

Stapy: Hey, Summer's Lookalike, can I borrow you for a-

Summer's Lookalike: Travel tickets are in the top drawer.

Stapy: Oh, thanks! Man, me and Foldy are gonna have a wonderful time-

Summer's Lookalike, mentally: SJDGFASHGJFKSHSDJLALS

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