The new students

26 1 13

So, this book is literally shit right now, and I'm going through my ideas really fast...

I'll continue the servant stuff later, since I'm a bit lazy...


I need to make one, but I'm just so lazy...


Skelly's POV(finally you're here):

I ran to the classroom and sat down on my seat next to Webbs.

"You're late again," she said. "Wow."

I rolled my eyes.

"I've heard there are new students coming, though!" she said.

"You hear everything," I said. "You once heard that I was dead or something."

"THAT WAS A JOKE!" she said. "Now forget it!"

I smiled.

Herobrine then teleported into the room.

"So, hello class, we're having new students today!" he said.

Webbs smirked.

I groaned.

Webbs is always right...

A husk walked up to the front of the classroom.

"HI, I'm Solar it's a pleasure to meet you! I'm really talkative, at least that's what everyone says... Well, I hope I'll fit right in in this school! I just hope nobody from my old school is here... they used to bully me a LOT..."

"Well, Solar..." said Herobrine. "Go take a seat."

"Okay!" said Solar, and then she sat next to Cloudy.

A Stray then walked out from behind the door.

Solar's POV:

As soon as I had reassured myself that nobody from my old school would come here, FROST JUST WALKED IN AND MADE ME GO INSANE.

I gulped.

Frost smiled at me reassuringly.

I sighed in relief.

"Hi, everyone, I'm Frost..." he said. "Umm... I hope school goes well... and that's  about it."

A zombie boy clapped sarcastically.

I turned towards him.

He was so cute!!!

(NOTE- Uh oh... now what's Aqua gonna do?)


Skelly's POV:

I looked up at a shelf in the library.

All of the restricted horror books are up there...

Entity 303, who happened to be walking around the corner, smiled.

"Anyone but you can reach those books, since you're short for a skeleton," he said. "And even though you just read them to joke around, you're reading them to a disturbing amount..."

I groaned.

"First- I'm not short-"

I was cut off by someone tapping my shoulder.

I looked behind me.

Frost was standing there, holding out the book.

"Sorry, you are short," he said, handing me the book.

"I'M NOT!" I yelled in his face.

"I should tell you to leave for yelling in the library..." said Entity. "But I honestly don't care. Bye!"

He then teleported away.

I looked ahead again, and Frost had already walked away.

I blinked.

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