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The look in his eyes as I talk to him. The constant judgment. The snide comments. Tiptoeing on the line of what I can and can't say without him hating me. I feel like my bones are crawling beneath my skin. He looks stern and confident. His self centered energy radiates off like it's radioactive. 

"Well, I like social studies," I say to him. I already know I've said the wrong thing as soon as the words leave my mouth.

"How could you like social studies? That's so lame." He scoffs and shakes his head.

"Yeah, I guess it is." I can feel my heart shatter in my chest as he speaks further. 

"Only idiots like social studies." 

"Yeah, I know," I say to him. Does he even remember I'm still here? All of this because I slipped up and said the wrong thing. I was just so nervous about pleasing him and getting on his good side today. I am shaky and feel like a bullet has been shot through my chest. Just the thought of speaking to him is making my heart speed up. I wish I could stop feeling like this every time I have to interact with him. I don't think I should feel this way about him. Most people aren't scared of their friends, right? Then why am I? I don't think It's a good thing to be afraid of him. I think it means there's something wrong with me. I might not know for certain what any of this means, but one thing I do know is that I feel so much fear when I'm around him.

My Emotions but They're Just Descriptive ParagraphsWhere stories live. Discover now