Maybe It's Time

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Jazmine woke up in her own bed, in her own room and groaned. In all honesty she wanted to be in Huey's bed, in Huey's room. But no, he wants to wait until she "fully knows what she wants". "I know what the hell I want." Jazmine crossed her arms and huffed.

She did her morning routine and got dressed. Today she left her hair in a puff of curls. Today was a special day, it marked the 1 year anniversary of Juey.
She made sure to look her best, despite the curls she hated but Huey loved.
She text the boy, knowing he was up. He's always up at the crack of Dawn, which she never understood.

He never saw the point of doing things for anniversaries but she forced him, and he liked keeping her happy.
What she didn't know is that he actually planned something for this week.

Break would be fun.
He didn't blindfold her, but he damn sure didn't tell her where they were going.
Even though she bugged, and bugged...AND BUGGED.
Eventually she fell asleep, not expecting the ride to be this long, although she did pack a bag for a reason. "Get up." His voice was stern and she jolted up immediately, excited. At first she didn't recognize the house she lived in for years.
"Its my childhood home." She was almost brought to tears. She turned to Huey, "Where are the owners?" "No one owns it, it's still on the market."
So she was free to roam around and have fun. She went to her old room and envisioned how it used to be set up. She had always wanted to come back and own her old house, she never wanted to leave in the first place.
"Everyone on the market keeps declining it and the price keeps being brought down." Huey explained.
While sitting cross-legged on the floor she stared around the room. "Can we buy it one day Huey?" He sighed, "I don't know."
She was okay with not getting a direct answer from him.
"Huey, is this illegal?" Jazmine had many questions. He shrugged, no one wanted the house anyway, doubt they'd care if they were here for just a bit.
Jazmine turned and stared at Huey. The boy she had fall in love with over the years. His huge afro, mocha colored skin, and wine colored eyes.
She smiled.
"I know exactly what I want."
He raised an eyebrow,
"And what is that?"
"What do you mean Jazmine?"
"Huey I'm not scared, I'm not a child, for god's sake I'll be what? 18 in five months! I want you and I'm sure of it."
"No doubts?" He asked and she nodded.
"You sure?" She nodded in response.

Jazmine hadn't realized what she'd gotten herself into.
It hurt, badly, well at first at least. After a while, she began to like the motion and the pleasure.
And after a few times it didn't hurt anymore.
They slept overnight at the house, Jazmine of course, woke up happy and hyper.
While upstairs, they just sat, and talked. Of course Jazmine talked Huey's ear off.
"And right there is where I got my first-" she was cut off by a click. "I could have sworn that I didn't lock it."
There were footsteps and voices. "Oh shit." Huey whispered. He looked around for a way out but on the second story there was no way in hell he was jumping down with Jazmine. They quickly gathered their blankets, as they heard someone showing people around the house. "Wait! Huey I know a way! Just follow me." She pulled him along and into her closet.
At the top there was a string and when she pulled it an opening to the attic appeared.
The people walked up the stairs and Huey pulled the opening up just in time so no one would see them.
Jazmine stopped and reminisced. Some of her old toys were still up here, she remembers coming here to escape her parents' shouting and arguing. Through the attic was the only way to the back door, they quickly dressed in the attic and left through the pathway.

Despite the hurry to go and move around everywhere, it was the best present to her. Even if it was something as simple as this.

"I'm hungry." Jazmine restated for the billionth time. "Jazmine I heard you the first damn time!" He was becoming quite aggravated with her at the moment. She huffed and turned to her window.
After begging Huey allowed them to eat at a nearby Denny's where the waitress kept flirting with Huey. Although he didn't pay her no mind, Jazmine did, and took some of the money that Huey left for the tip.

Cindy made sure she'd never have to babysit those bad ass kids again. Today she was chilling with Riley because she needed a break.
"Aye I got just what you need to chill out." Riley smiled and pulled out 3 blunts. She smirked and already felt better. "Not here doe cause Granddad be on my ass an shit."
They quickly transferred to Cindy's house, and got higher than the Eiffel Tower.
Matter of fact, they were so high that they just watched cartoons and were dead laughing. Cindy smashed an entire container of brownies by herself and giggled at whatever odd pbs show she was watching.
She heard her phone ring and answered "Yo." She couldn't even contain her laughs and giggles while talking to Jazmie. "Cindy are you high?" she smiled, "No." and burst out again. "I'm just kidding I'm high as fuck nigga." Jazmine groaned and hung up, knowing that Cindy wouldn't be able to actually listen while high.
Eventually Cindy ate so much that she threw up, but she didn't even feel sick.
This was a perfect day for both Cindy and Jazmine.
Cindy got high as fuck.
Jazmine gave up her virginity to someone she loved.

A/N When your boyfriend finds your wattpad and forces you to update...okay so this might be boring af but know I'm updating during the summer. But this was rushed because SOMEBODY sent me like 40 messages begging for an update, but ily.
Anyway Seasons of Woodcrest is still main priority.

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