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"A wilting flower was once a beautiful rose,that would bloom admist love and happiness,once all is lost,it feels dull and empty inside"

"Come on Sakura,come on"Ino shouts as she drags me by my wrists
"I want to show you something Sakura"she says as she leads me at the top of a hill
,I stared at the marvel before my eyes,
I looked at the meadow in awe
"W..what is this"l say with an astonished look on my face
"It's a..remeberance of our friendship"Ino says as she smiles at me
"Everytime we come here,we will remember the day we became friends,best friends"she says as she holds my hand and puts something in my palm
A bracelet with a few words engraved on it

Ino and Sakura bff's 4eva

I hugged her tight,l could see the puff of her cheeks
"Uhh..Sakura l need oxygen"she stammers
I quickly let go of her,and she breaths Air,she had the same bracelet on her wrist,and l wore mine on my wrist
"Thank you so much Ino,and..and let's promise something....
Today we promise to always have each other's back,stick together and be best friends forever"l say as l hold out my pinky to her
"I promise"Ino says as she intertwines her pinkie with mine,we giggle and hug each other as we play in the meadow
The air was warm,the flowers were blooming and the least thing l wanted to happen was something bad

The sun set and l bid my goodbyes to my friends,l had gotten carried away with playing with my friends,l lost track of time
I ran around the crowded streets, something in my heart tellinh me to run faster,that something bad would happen
And with this the atmosphere became more dense and dense
It could be cut with a scissors,knife even
I ran faster,as fast as my feet could take me
I reached the house,all lights off which was very unusual
I walked slowly to the door,hoping that every bad thought in my head wasn't about to become reality
I turn the doorknob,not expecting it to be unlocked
I entered the dark filled house,l pace slowly around the living room looking for a lightswitch
I turn on the lights
I see my mother on the floor, unconscious with multiple bottles of sake and a knife,l let go of the breath l was holding in relief,she hadn't hurt herself but was just unconscious because of the alcohol overdose
I walk over to her careful not to wake her up
Her eyes were puffy,stains of tears on her cheeks,chapped lips and messy hair
I caress her hair and pay attention to the white ball at the end of the room,a small piece of paper on a table,it was scrunched up
I hesitantly opened it,it was a letter from my..dad

Dear Mebuki

I have gone far way with my one and only love,we tried to keep this marriage intact until that brat was older but l couldn't stand a moment with any of you around
Hence l have runaway with my new wife,
Oh and that money we were saving for that brat's college l took it,l needed to survive and l don't care about that brat's future anyways
Who said l wanted a child,infact who said l wanted a girl child,all she was good at was being a burden
Matter of fact

You will never find me again,and have fun suffering
And honey it's not you who's the problem it's that brat's fault
And no l don't love you anymore

Your now ex-husband

I Feel tears streaming down my cheeks,some sobs escape my mouth
I scrunch up the letter and throw it away

He never loved me,he never wanted me,he never cared for me
Why was he kind,why did he make me feel loved
Even though if l wasn't
Why did he make it seem like l had a place in his heart when that place for me is empty

I run up the stairs,now irritating sounds of squeaking wooden planks following behind me
I shut my door and l start crying as silent as l can
I cried a few tears and l wiped them away
'Even if dad is gone,l know my mother loves me more than anything,l will have to be strong for my mother's sake'
I lie in my bed
'What a great birthday gift for your daughter huh dad'l say with a sad smile and l doze off to sleep
To the peaceful land of dreams l would escape to,hoping everything would be ok.

I walk to my locker,and pack my bag with books for the next period
Someone smacks my locker shut,almost bruising my wrist
"Oh my,it's the pink haired,vomit eyed girl,how is it looking like a piece of rotten trash"Karin spat at me
I had enough of her drama for the past year,and l was already annoyed

"What the heck is your problem,don't you have anything important to do in your life,other than just being a nobody"l spit back at her
She looks at me with hate in her eyes
"Why you little.."she says with anger as she pulls my hair and pushes me to the ground
"Now stay in your place,in the dirt where you belong""she says as she highfives her group of friends and they walk away in their tight revealing clothes
I quickly get up from the ground,and dust my clothes
I wore a black skinny jean,a black shirt and some black converse to match
I pick up my books and l go to the bathroom to fix my hair in the mirror
"Do you know that Haruno girl,l heard she is a thief and a lier""Yeah and she was trying to get all the boys attention by wearing tight clothes""l heard she used to bully the girls in her class and she would assault them too,what a hypocrite""She disgusts me so much" some girls say in the corner of the bathroom making sure l hear exactly what they are saying and as they walk out of the bathroom they give me nasty looks,which l had gotten used to but never really liked it

I fix my hair and head for class,with 4minutes left till class starts which was okay since l wasn't late,gotta keep that good student record perfect* am l right
I sit at the back of the class next to the window,it was calm usually because l was in English class

*Cllalaaaaang*the bell rings

The period started and ended,it was one boring period and one long one,l had the next class with Ino and Karin and hinata

Ino broke our promise,our 7year promise and she bullied me, belittled me,insulted me and made me feel like a nobody
It would be shocking to some to say we were besties long ago
It all started when she started to wear revealing clothes,acted differently just to gain attention of boys,she would act rude,mean like those high school bullies,just to impress the boys
And how l disliked the boys of this school,no l despised the boys of this school

I walk to my next period,which was physics class,l swiftly avoided the legs pulled out to trip me and l sat in the middle row
I sat next to Hinata,she used to be one of my friends
I knew there were some of the rumours she believed,the rumours that said l insulted her
She didn't say anything to me
But her whitish,pupil-less eyes sold her out,they showed a bit of devastion everytime she looked at me
I knew she didn't hate me,and she would talk to me a bit but that look in her eyes never changed,
"Hey Hinata"l say with a cheery smile
"He..hey"she says as she turns to look at her book
Atleast someone who wouldn't go all
gringo on me everytime l talked to them
I look at the board,and wandered how my life ended up this way
How l ended up with no friends
No family
No love
No respect

How did l end up here...


Thank you y'all for reading :)
I am still a starter,and l'm not sure if my writing is that good

Word count:1439

Once a red rose •°•°•Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang