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To the hearts that are suffering in silence, to the eyes that have shed the most tears, to the souls that are tired of aching, I hope you find peace. I hope you find what sparks the light of your soul. I know you are tired of hearing that time will make things better and that things will eventually fall into place. I know you are tired of continuous disappointments and countless heartaches.

I am sorry you had to learn a lot from pain. I am sorry you had to learn about happiness from grief but I hope you promise yourself that you won't give up. I hope you'll promise yourself that you'll always work on yourself. I hope you know that life isn't a smooth road. But above all that,

I am proud of you for existing. I am proud of you that you made it this far.
Remember one day this endless pain will fade and your face will know how to smile again. I hope you realize that your struggles do not define you and that you are capable of achieving greatness. You have the strength within you to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

Sometimes, it takes a village to heal a wounded soul. You deserve to live a life filled with love, happiness, and peace. Keep fighting, keep pushing forward, and never lose hope. The world needs you and your beautiful soul.

When they no longer nourish your soul, I hope you're brave enough to want better for yourself. I hope you are brave enough to look at yourself and accept the endings just as much as you accepted the beginnings.

I hope you have the heart to close every chapter that has ended without feeling the need to reread the story because the end will always be the same no matter how many times you read it.

I hope you accept that sometimes people leave because they need space to be better. Sometimes, as you grow with people, you tend to grow apart. And as you end that chapter with them, I hope you don't forget about them. I hope you leave with a heart that knows how to respect every moment you shared with them.

While everyone urges you to find your next person, this is your reminder to take yourself slowly. To let each moment soak in your tears and find closure. I hope vou have the heart to close all the doors without being bitter.

Without making the person you loved a while ago a bad person. I hope when you end things, you learn to leave gracefully with a tender touch.
You don't have to know what you need, but if you need something, say something.

You're not needy. You're human. You're allowed to mess up. But don't hold on to guilt and embarrassment for too long. It'll be okay. You're allowed to feel off and take as many breaks as you need.

Your biggest responsibility is taking care of yourself. You're allowed to not have your life figured out. You're allowed to be behind because where you are is fine. Where you are is where you need to be right now. Work doesn't define you.

Grades don't define you. Medication doesn't define you.
Anxiety doesn't define you. The past doesn't define you.
The future doesn't define you. Relationships don't define you. Words don't define you. Looks don't define you. How you love defines you.

Sometimes you need to let go of the people you love because they do not want the same things as you.
Sometimes you need to let go of one version of your future to give yourself the future you have always imagined.

Sometimes the people you choose are not meant for you not because you don't adore them but because your paths don't align.
As hard as it is don't give up who you are or what you always wanted to make it work for someone else.

The things that hurt you may have left scars,
but they did not destroy you.
You survived,
and there is hope in that.

SADNESS IN MY SOULS  (self-care)Where stories live. Discover now