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Gowri Sinha

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Gowri Sinha

Best friend to Dhruva and lives her life according to her rules. Loves everyone and is kinda health conscious even if she doesn't like to admit. She is a hopeless romantic(more than Dhruva). She believes in destiny. She has one male best friend- Neelav. They are chidhood friends as their parents are best of friends like them. She has a slight crush on him, but she doesn't want admit it as it may ruin their friendship.

Vaishali Singania

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Vaishali Singania

Other best friend to Dhruva. She loves reading books like Dhruva and listening songs. She is a reserved girl unlike Dhruva and Gowri. Karthik Singania is her twin brother, She is most comfortable with him and loves him to moon. She likes Sahdev Goenka but is afraid to tell anyone as he is her brother's best friend. Her recent addiction is reading sad ending books which makes her cry her eyes out. 

Mrunali Sinha

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Mrunali Sinha

Best friends to Dhruva and Vaishali. Even though she is one year younger then them, she is still included in their group. She is the sister to Gowri. She is the badass bitch in the group but not to them, for others. She looses her temper quickly but is the most sensitive in the group, which is why rest of the group protects her. She loathes Karthik Singania even though he is the brother of Vaishali. She is most close to Dhruva then the others, including her own sister.

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