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Eight years ago

I picked up my headphones and lashed out of my room with my sneakers in my hand. It was after seven years, I was back at my home in Milan.

  I turned 17 today, and I'm not even amazed that neither of my parents remember my birthday.

  My mom sent me to a boarding school when I was just 10. But she was always there for me. I've always loved her more than my dad. She used to visit me twice a year in Venice and sent me letters, all until I turned 13.

  My father was a lawyer but an addict. He had a dual presence in the legal world, working with the law in the light of day and in those dark hours of the night, he was consumed by addiction and his temptations.

  But even after being in drug addiction for years, he never got caught, maybe because of his looks. He seemed absolutely fit, muscular and forever young.

I descended a few steps and took a seat, pulling on my sneakers. I decided to go for a run as there was a lot going on in my head right now. I laced up my shoes and headed down taking a deep breath.

  My Dad and I had a nice relationship before I was sent to Rome. He never talked to me on the phone or came to me or even though when I visited once he was either not at home or laid drug- induced on the sofa. We all have very few memories together as a family, just because he  used to stay away working with his case or out somewhere.
He was just never home whenever I was.

  I rushed down the leftover steps again and called mom,"Mom, I'm goin-" My steps halted while descending stairs, when I saw my father clutching my mom's arm tightly and his other hand paused in the air right over my mom's face, hearing my voice.

"Che diavolo, papà!" I tossed away my headphones and rushed over to him and pulled mom away from his hold.
(What the hell, dad?")

   He was high, but it was definitely not a work of a usual person to identify it. I knew it, even though I've seen him like this for a few times. But it was enough for me to make me aware of his things.

"Ron, don't." My mom cried, looking into my eyes.

"Andare via." He growled and tried to push me away, but I steeled myself, pushing mom behind me. I was almost his height now and stood there, facing him directly.
(Go away.)

"No. Dimmi perché la picchi?" I said in a low voice.
(No. Tell me why you hit her?)

"Rispondimi, papà!" I shouted.
(Answer me dad.)

He caught my eyes, an absolute anger flashing in them.

  "I knew you were like this, but I swear if you do anything to her, I'll forget who you are to me." I said, not able to control the anger rising within me.

  "I have always been quiet, but I'm no longer a kid, now. You kept yourself away from us and never came back." He looked away but I continued. "I want to know, why do you always have to hate us? Why in the world can't you be a normal dad?"

  "You are not my son." He yelled and his words knocked the wind out of me.

  "Che cosa?" I whispered, feeling a sudden ache in my chest.

  "No, Carlo." My mom cried louder behind me, clutching my shoulder from my jacket's sleeve.

  "Yes, he deserves to know the truth now. It's been fucking sixteen years." He roared at my mom and turned to me. "I'm not your biological father. Tuo padre è in India." I looked at him, staring into his eyes.
(Your father is in India.)

  "Your mom and I never married because we never loved each other. When she came to Italy, I was the only person she knew and she begged me to help her raise you. I treated you like my own fucking son until she sent you to Venice."
  A piercing pain hit my chest, hearing his words and I curled my fists. All those years we spent together meant nothing. We were never a family and just a burden on his shoulders?

  "I never got to live my life because I wasted half of my time taking care of you two. I put my life on hold to make sure you had everything. I paid for your school money, for your expenses and everything. And here you are!" I clenched my jaw as he barked at us.
  "You wanna hear more, your mother fell on my feet and licked them to-" I couldn't. I couldn't hear more of his rants. His words trailed off as I landed a punch on his nose, unable to control my anger.

  "Ronnie, no." My mom gasped behind me as he stumbled back, and held the table for support.

  "Bene. Molto bene, piccolo moccioso ingrato." He snarled under his breath, as he touched his nose that had started to bleed. "Sono felice che tu non abbia ereditato quei geni codardi da lui." He smirked.
(Good. Very good you little ungrateful brat.)
( I'm glad you didn't inherit those cowardly genes from him.)

  "Ti odio, cazzo." I said through gritted teeth. I tightened my finger at my sides as he came and stood near me swaying back and forth.
(I fucking hate you.)

"Take care of her and yourself." He patted my shoulder with a slight smile and went out.

"No, Carlo no. Please don't go. Don't leave us here." My mom cried behind him, trying to stop him but I heard his car's engine turn on as he left us.

"Carlo." She yelled from the door, but he never listened.
  I clenched my jaw and turned around walking towards her.

  "Mom." I stood behind her as she looked up gasping. She stood up to cup my face but I stood still staring out at the gravel shining under moonlight. She moved her hands over my face.

  "My- My Ronnie, I-I'm so sorry darling. I should've told you this earlier. Please stay with me. I lov-"

"I hate you." The words spilled out from my lips.
I was done with this. I can't hear her saying more lies to me.
  I gave her one last look, gulping the bile down, before leaving.

  My hands were shaking and my chest ached as I heard her wailing behind me. But I didn't care anymore and I just speed walked down the road not knowing where to go. She hid the truth from me for fucking seventeen years and never cared to tell me.

  What was I for her? Did she even love me? Did she even care? Was that the reason why I was sent away from home, so that I'd never get to know the truth?

  I don't know anything but, I don't think I'm coming back again.


Hello everybody!!

One announcement 📢
There is an addition of new chapter between CH 8 and CH 9.

And now,The ninth chapter (old one) will be CH 10.
(Ch 8 will be 8 only!!)
(Ch 9 will be 10, Ch 10 will be 11 and so on....)

The new chapter (which is now CH 9)  is related to Ronan's family and i want my old readers to read it once as it will give you a little introduction about his past.
(More will be uncovered about his life in the upcoming chapters.)
Further, story will continue as is. Hope you all understand.
[I'm sorry if it's irritating, but I was adviced to give intro of my Characters families.]

Thank you for reading. Love you all ❤️
Your author,

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