xxxii. raisin brain

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✩☆★✩☆★✩↯ chapter thirty two➾ raisin brain

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chapter thirty two
➾ raisin brain

ROSALYN AND HARRY MADE IT to the Dark Tower where Sirius sat, Rosalyn brought out her wand and spelled the door to open, the door burst and slowly opened. Harry rushed inside. "Come! Sirius."

Rosalyn hoped back onto Buckbeak and together the three of them flew back to Hogwarts, they needed to get back to the Hospital Wing before they missed their time.

"I'll be forever grateful for this." Sirius said softly, holding Rosalyn's hand with his own, he hadn't forgotten about the young girl he once knew as a baby, he had thought of her for the last twelve years, and counted the days he would see her again.

Rosalyn dropped his hand. Sirius smiled softly looking between the two teens. "The both of you." Rosalyn nodded glancing over to Harry and he stepped forward . "I want to go with you."

"One day, perhaps." Sirius replied. "For some time, my life will be too unpredictable. And beside..." he leaned forward, placing his hands on Harry's shoulders. "— you're meant to be here."

"But you're innocent." Harry declared.

"And you know it." Sirius spoke clearly, bringing Harry to sit down by the bench. Rosalyn looked back to Buckbeak and decided to give them their space. "And for now, that'll do. I expect you're tired of hearing this... but you look so like your father." Sirius held his face. "Expect your eyes. You have—"

"My mother's eyes." Harry smiled gently, feeling the same warmth from before. "It's cruel that I got to speak so much time with James and lily and you so little. But know this..." Sirius brought down his hands. "The ones that love us never really leave us. And you can always find them... in here."

Sirius stood up and walked back to where Rosalyn stood. She stepped back from the Buckbeak. "Rose, darling, wait." Sirius took her arm gently, he smiled peering down to her. "I know this hadn't been easy for you, you probably don't remember much of me—"

"I do, I do." Rosalyn interrupted, holding onto his arm. "I remember most of it, evens if I had the brain of a raisin." Sirius chuckled, reaching up, stocking her cheek, he saw so much of his brother in her, and a small part of himself.

"You really are the brightest witch of your age." Sirius mentioned, hopping up into Buckbeak. Rosalyn smiled brightly, dimples deepened. Harry would pay to see Hermione reaction to that smile. Buckbeak took off running through the school and into the sky. The clock chimed and Rosalyn smiled quickly faded.

"We have to go." They ran through the school, down the hallway, turning the corner to the Hospital Wing just as Dumbledore walked out. Rosalyn catches her breath. "Well?"

"He's free. We did it." Harry said nodding, trying to catch his breath. Dumbledore circled around them. "Did what? Goodnight." Rosalyn furrowed her brows before she and Harry stepped through the door, just as their bodies disappeared

"How did you get there?" Ron sat up, pointing between the spot before him and his friends walking in. "You were.. I was talking to you there. Now you're there."

Hermione smiled. Rosalyn cocked her head, glancing to her right. "Do you have any idea what's he talking about, Harry?"

Harry shook his head, sheepishly smiling. "I don't know. Honestly, Ron, how can somebody be in two places at once?" Hermione chuckled pushing off the chair. Rosalyn nodded, watching Ron's expression sadden.


"Stand back, I said." Ron proceeded to pushed his Gryffindor friends back. Rosalyn peered up at the redhead, he was released from the Hospital Wing three nights ago and was currently limping with a on single cruncher, to keep him up. "Or I'll— or I'll take it upstairs if you don't settle."

"Harry!" Neville caught the sight of the four-eyed boy stepping into the Great Hall. "Whenever did you get it?"

"Can I have a go, Harry?" Seamus asked. "After you, of course." Harry didn't understand what they meant but continued his way to the Gryffindor table. "What are you talking about?"

"Quiet. Let the man though." Ron scolded, Harry came closer. "Uh, I—I didn't mean to open it, Harry. Uh, it was badly wrapped, they made me do it." Ron pointed to the twins.

"Did not." Fred and George said at once, Harry reached out, pulling off the wrapping paper. "It's a firefolt."

"It's the fastest broom in the world." Everyone was very excited about the broom, even though it wasn't meant first everyone. "For me?" Harry whispered, smiling at the nice gesture. "But who sent it?

"No one knows."

Rosalyn reached around the broom to the long feather that belong to Buckbeak, Harry grins at the sight. "This came with it."


End of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

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End of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

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