The boy in a black mask

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"The day that i met you
I started dreaming"

Name : Choi Eunae
Age : 16
Nationality : Salvadorean Korean - 🇸🇻 🇰🇷
Siblings : Choi Minjun
Wants to be an idol

Name : Lee Yungyu
Age : 17
Nationality : Korean
Is a trainee under mnh ent.

"COME ON EUNAE IM LEAVING" Minjun yelled across the room while his sister was still eating her dinner

"WAIT IM ALMOST DONE" I shouted at my annoying older brother while running to him

"Alright, let's go" I said after swallowing my drink and a mouthful of food

"How did you swallow that in one bite..." Minjun asked concerned

"I'm just built different" I said while walking downstairs with Minjun

Once we got outside we went to the park because we were bored at home and mom kept yelling at us because we didn't do our homework yet and dad wasn't home so he couldn't help us :(  but when we got to the park we went on the slides for a bit and I took a lot of embarrassing pictures of Minjun . Three boys came to the park a little while after we got there and started filming videos, Minjun was watching them because they were dancing and I was taking pictures of everything.

After a while the boys stopped filming and sat down across from me and Minjun I made eye contact with one of them, he had a black mask unlike the other two and had short hair covering the sides of his face so I couldn't really see him and was wearing a black hoodie, even tho I didn't see his face I knew he was good looking. After I was staring at him for a bit I got hungry again

"Let's go get something to eat, moms probably still mad and dads still at work" I said

"You just ate tho, besides you'll probably make me pay" Minjun replied

"I promise I won't but let's just get something I'm hungryyyy" I kept asking

"I'll leave you here if you don't stop" he said in a stern voice

"You wouldn't leave your little sister here" I said teasing him

To my surprise he got up and said he was leaving, I was still sitting down on the bench.

"If you don't get up then I really will leave you" he said

"Will we go get something to eat?" I asked

"No." He replied

"Then I'm not leaving" I sat back down

"Alright then, see you at home" he said while leaving

I sat in disbelief watching him leave me at a park with three guys right in front of me. I kept watching as he left and then the black mask guy came up to me

"Are you ok?" He asked

"Yeah, just surprised my brother actually left me" I replied

"What did you do to make him leave?" He said while laughing

"I was just asking for food" I said while pretending to cry

"Wanna come with us to go get something? We won't do anything weird, I promise" He asked me

"Alright, what's your name?" I asked while he took me to his friends

"Yungyu, Lee Yungyu" he replied

"I'm Choi Eunae" I said

He introduced me to his friends ; Myungho and Jaeyun, we went to the nearest convenience store and bought some snacks and drinks. After Jaeyun paid for us I went home and yelled at Minjun for leaving me


"So what're we gonna do now?" Myungho asked

"Let's go practice" I replied

"I saw the way you looked at Eunae" Jaeyun said while he opened the entrance to mnh

"What do you mean?" I asked

"It's like you're in love with her" Myungho added

"It's literally love at first sight" Jaeyun said while smiling

I ignored those two and drank some water while Kyungmin was asking Jaeyun what he was talking about.


"It's getting late we're going to the dorms" Seungheon and I said


"HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME ALONE AT THE PARK?" I yelled at my brother


"MINJUN APOLOGIZE TO YOUR SISTER AND STOP YELLING AT EACH OTHER" mom yelled at the two of us while dad just watched in silence knowing he'd be brought down by the three of them

"But mama he left me at the park, ALONE" I said

"That's why I told him to apologize" mom replied

After Minjun and I apologized to each other I went to my room so I could text my friends

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