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"Ill be your morning star and
You are my angel, my angel"

We finally arrived at her house, music was playing in the kitchen, it was in spanish so i didnt understand much.

"WE'RE HOME" minjun yelled

"Mijo, come help me with the music" their mom asked

"Que qeires eschuchar?" He responded
"What do you want to listen to?"

"Put con calma on" she said

"Mami, i brought my friend over so he can help me with my homework" eunae spoke

"He? Its a guy?" Her dad asked

"Hello, im yungyu" i announced

"Are you the boy that was with her today?" He asked me

"Yes, we went to a convince store to buy some noodles" i replied

"How old are you? Where did the two of you come from just now?" He questioned

"Im 17 and we were at the mall" I answered

"Where will you guys do your homewor-" he was cut off

"beomseok leave him alone, I'll call the two of you when dinners ready" her mom said

"Ok thank you mrs, Choi" i thanked her

We made our way up to her room, before she opened the door she told me to wait outside for a bit so she could fix her room.

"Alright come inside" she said

"Your room looks nice" i spoke

"Come sit here" she pointed at a chair next to her desk

"Ok so what do you need help with?" I asked

"Ill do these and you do these" she handed me a couple pieces of papers to do

I finished her homework a lot faster than her so she said i could lay down or play on my phone, I decided to flirt with her.

"Hey princess, should i give you a new nickname?" I asked

"What kind of nickname did you have in mind?" She replied

"I was thinking of calling my girlfriend from now on" i said

"Hmm well it has a nice ring to it but calling me your wife would be better" she flirted back

"Ok ok but seriously i want you to give me a new nickname" she whined

"Should i call you toots?" I asked


"The amount of tootsie rolls you eat is concerning so i went with toots" i said

"Actually never mind im fine with princess" she added

I got up to check if she needed help but before i got up her dad came in

"How the homework doing?" He asked

"Its fine, is mami almost done cooking?" She said

"Yeah, shes done she sent me to call you guys" he replied

On our way down her dad asked how close i was with minjun and eunae, i said me and eunae were really close and minjun and i only talked every once in a while. Their mom made some soup, eunae said it was called sopa de res. It tasted really good and had a lot of corn, i found out their moms name was Andrea and that she moved here when she was 15. I also found out that their dad name was beomseok and that he met their mom when they were 20 and he was also fluent in Spanish.

"Bye mr and mrs choi, thank you for the food, bye eunae, bye Minjun" i said goodbye to the family and walked towards the MNH building

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