When he calls me pretty

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"Heaven is a place
on earth with you"

"Eunae!" He called out to me, I turned around to see him running towards me

"Did you forget about meeting me?" He asked jokingly

I checked the time and it was 4:56 I apologized and said my brother was asking me to get food, I invited him because I bought too much food and I wouldn't be able to finish it. We both entered inside and Minjun was laying down watching a random movie and got up to meet Yungyu

"Hi, I'm her brother; Minjun" he said

"I'm Yungyu" he replied

"Are the two of you dating?" Minjun asked

"Oh, no we're just friends" Yungyu said while his ears started to turn red

I called the two of them to the couch so we could watch something, I picked a random movie and it turns out Yungyu liked it. After a while the movie ended and Yungyu left, I don't know when but he and Minjun exchanged numbers during the movie, Minjuns probably gonna steal my friend now. Minjun left saying a friend called him, I looked outside the window to see him and Yungyu, I knew it would be Yungyu cause he only has one friend and he dosent live near us.


Eunae invited me to eat with her at her home, it was beautiful and clean, it had white walls with a lot of grey and silver and I saw a paper on a door that said "Eunae and Minjuns dance studio" I didn't know her brother danced too, I greeted Minjun and we exchanged numbers while Eunae went to the kitchen, it looked like their parents weren't home. We sat down and Eunae put my favorite movie on, she was interested in the movie, after a while the movie ended and I left. I texted Minjun if he could meet me at the park, I asked if he knew when Eunae would be auditioning

"Why didn't you just ask her?" He asked

"I'm not sure, I didn't wanna remind her, she's been nervous about it" I said

"She's auditioning on Tuesday, or next week" he told me

"Ok, thank you" I thanked him and left

I wonder if she'll get in, maybe she could train with us, maybe we could be a co-ed group? Probably not but at least she might become a trainee here. I hope she does get accepted into the company


"Are your friends coming over?" Minjun asked

"Yeah, is it ok?" I answer

"Mhm, oh mom said they'll be coming back in 2 weeks" he said

"Ok" I went to my room

I went to my room and got some blankets for my friends and waited for a couple of minutes before they were at my door

"LETS LISTEN TO MUSIC" Hwayoung said

"IM PICKING" Yu Ming replied

She put on some noise music and we all started singing along and eating snacks, after a while we stopped the music and decided to play random games.

"Should we go on a walk?" Garam asked

"LETS GET ICE CREAM" Yu Ming shouted while getting up

The four of us rushed out to put our shoes on and left to go outside, we walked around an alley for a bit before getting ice cream. We all got strawberry and walked back, before walking back Garam started yelling about some kpop idols she's obsessed with; SiO from superkind (I'm actually obsessed with him too), she kept talking about him until we got back, when we got back we watched some rom coms and then ate, we fell asleep at 2:30


I woke up really early and went over my audition, I listened to some music before waking the other three up, the four of us went out to eat breakfast and talked about random things, mainly what kind of food we like. After that I took a nap for 3 hours, I woke up at 10 and did nothing the rest of the day, at around 7 Yungyu called me asking if I wanted to go watch a movie with him, of course I said yes and left immediately. I got to our spot and he wasn't their yet so I just fixed my hair

"Hi, I'm sorry if you were waiting Myungho needed help with something" he apologized

"It's fine" I said

"You look really pretty tonight" he complimented

"Thanks, you also look good" I replied

We went towards the cinema but I was still thinking about what he said, "you look pretty" that was everything I thought of the way there, "you look really pretty" it kept coming back into my mind every time I forgot about it. My ears started to turn red and my cheeks were a little bit

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