part one

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quick authors note; yes it's 1987 but all characters in this story are aged up to at least over 21 (still involves their age gaps, so mike would be 23, adam 24 etc)
back to when it all started

"stop! stop fighting!" i shout while tears well up in my eyes. i try to step inward before a cold hand grasps my wrist stopping me.
"stop y/n, let them sort it out. i don't want you to get hurt"
i struggle as i watch the two men whom i love fight.
end flashback

current day - august 17th, 1987
ad rocks arm slides off my shoulders as we walk into white castle, the four of us sit in our booth, the one we'd always shared.

"did you see that guy outside?"
"yeh" adam replies as he and mike break out in laughter, i laughed along before turning towards ad who was silent. his eyes were adrift, focused on the young waitress behind the counter. i tap him on the shoulder, "ad?"
he snaps out of his gaze,
"sorry, just waiting for my food" he mumbles.
i pout as i turn back towards the table, locking eyes with mike, he gives a concerned look.

"what?" i ask
"nothing" he shakes his head.
ad rock looks at the two and as he opens his mouth, he gets cut off,
the waitress was tall, slim and beautiful. her features were defined and her complexion was clear.

"i've got the onion rings- the double hamburger, and the regular hamburger" adam had grabbed his burger before mike, and began hounding it down.
"the hamburger-" i put my hand out to grab it, this was our usual order, mike would order onion rings and a regular hamburger where adam would get a double hamburger, i'd just get a regular hamburger like mike, and ad would get-
"and finally the second double hamburger with extra"
"yeah" ad says as he's looking down towards the floor, his eyes shoot up checking her out for a moment
"nice choice, it sounds good" her eyes are flirtatious as she chews her gum obnoxiously looking over him
"you'll have to try it some time, how 'bout?"
she smirks, blowing a bubble out of the chewing gum.
"i'd like that"
"um thanks for bringing over the food." i say trying to move on.
the bubble pops as she now looks at me, standing up straight before walking away.

i look over at adam who'd already finished eating now trying to get in on mikes onion rings
"order your own"
"cmon, d. just one!"
"you said that before, and the time before that, and the time before that!"
adam throws his hands up into the air, exaggerating his disappointment in mike, i smile at the two of them.

adam was always like an older brother to me, i'd known him the longest. he'd been there in the hardest times, things with my father. he always stuck by me and wanted me to be safe, i appreciate him a lot and he knows that. and mike? mike and i met through adam a little after the two of us met, mike was at his house and they were playing some music they liked, i remember seeing mike on the drums looking real cool, he'd been my best friend ever since.
then there was ad, i met him last out of the three of them and well, he was my boyfriend. we'd been dating for a little over a year, though we met when we were both eighteen, things moved quick after that.

"are you gonna eat or is this going to waste again?" i look over at ad beside me who's scoffing down his food.
"uhh what's that on your wrapper?" mike questions.
"om what's it to you" he smirks slightly pulling the wrapping closer to him.
"let me see it" mike chuckles trying to get ahold of it. ad and mike fight over the paper before mike snatches it. his face drops.
"what is it mike" i giggle
mike shakes his head as he puts it down, i catch a glimpse of it as ad grabs it quickly
it was a phone number.
the booth goes silent. you could hear a pin drop.
until adam slams his hands onto the table as he stands.
"sooooo we gonna head over to that party.."
"yeah.." i chuckle awkwardly, as ad and i slide out of the booth.
mike stands still,
"you guys go ahead, i gotta talk to ad real quick"
"ok, we'll wait in the car" adam says as he and i walk out.

"yo. what's with that" mike asks
"with what"
"with THAT-" mike signals towards the waitress
"mind your business" he replies rolling his eyes. as he begins turning he feels mike grab his arm,
"no seriously, that's your girl right there"
ad yanks his arm from mikes grasp and continues walking away.
"big deal mike" he snaps sarcastically.

hope you enjoy guys!! next chapter will be longer
regards f + k ! <3

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