More Than Sexual Love

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For the next few days, Maria began to think of what Cody said about how she makes him happy. Maria thought Cody was only dating her because of her body, but couldn't help but think there was more to him than she realized.

Cody: Somehow I find cover and what does the cultist do?

Basara: *chuckles* He starts monologuing.

Cody: He starts monologuing, he starts this prepared speech about how feeble I am, and how inevitable my defeat is, how the universes will be the cult's, yada yada yada.

Basara: Yammering?

Cody: Yammering! I mean the guy has me on a platter and he won't shut up!

*Maria walks into the room*

Maria: Hey Basara and Cody-san. Whatcha guys talking about?

Basara: Cody was explaining to me how he defeated a cultist.

Maria: Wow, must've been hard for you Cody.

Cody: It was but I managed.

Maria: Anyways, Cody I need to talk to you but it's private.

Basara: I have to go anyways, see ya.

*Basara leaves the room, Cody and Maria are now left alone.*

Cody: So what did you want to talk to me about?

Maria: For the past few I have been thinking about what you said, me actually making you happy. Is it true?

*Cody is confused by what Maria means*

Cody: Yeah I do, I really mean it, why did you think I said that?

Maria: I thought you were just after me to have sex.

Cody: No! That's not the case, yeah we have sex quite a bit but still.

Maria: I don't mean to ask but, is there more of a reason why you like me so much? I know you said you were lonely but I feel like there's more to you than what I'm seeing.

*Cody sighs as Maria asks the question*

Cody: You have no idea, me being lonely is only the surface. I do want to tell you my full story but right now, I can't exactly explain it. I'm struggling of how I'll tell it, but I do want to tell you but I can't unfortunately.

Maria: It's ok, if telling your story is complicated right now I understand.

Cody: Thanks Maria. I have to be honest, the reason I only show my love to you through sex is because it's the easiest way to show it, I do love you, but I struggle to show it in other ways.

Maria: Aww, Cody... *She hugs him* even though we have sex a lot, it's enough for me to tell, I do notice you struggle to show it, but when we have sex, you're super passionate.

Cody: I love you...

*Maria and Cody head to the bedroom, Maria climbs onto the bed, Cody undresses himself and then climbs onto the bed with Maria.*

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