Chapter 4: 生气种类 :Shengqi Zhonglei

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"Oh, you must be wondering what my name is right? My name is Shengqi Zhonglei! Call me Sheng or Qi if you want." Shengqi smile as Haixiu nod, "My name is Haixiu Remen, n-nice to meet you..." Haixiu said as he was attempting to shakes his hands but then he hold himself back. "Say, Haixiu.... do you like Keaiyi?" Though Haixiu looks like he is already in love but he doesn't believe it that much, he just felt it but he believe he is not yet.

"Ah, uhh... no?... I mean I like her because she is nice, but not romantic." Haixiu smiled a bit & Shengqi smiled widely, "Yes! I-I mean, ahem. You know, Keayi is always the best, she literally always helps people, she's kind, sweet, adorable & definitely better!" As Shengqi rambles about Keayi, Haixiu just stays silent & doesn't even try to stop him, Shengqi might look like he is talking to nobody cause of how silent Haixiu is. Shengqi notices it but he doesn't seem to care, he is just so in love with Keaiyi after all...

'Haixiu is so boring, he doesn't even talk. What the hell is he? A stone? You should be grateful that someone as Keayi approaches you, you dumb stone.' Shengqi thought as he stopped talking about Keayi, Haixiu looked back up as he looked confused "Why did you stop? I wanna hear you talk more." Shengqi blushes a bit as he was known for being very annoying with his obsession with Keaiyi, Shengqi just looked down & said, "I thought you might get annoyed..." Shengqi felt better after hearing that somebody was gloomy as Haixiu wanted to hear him talking. "It's alright, keep talking if you want." Haixiu smile a bit as he hoping for Shengqi to talk more.

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